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Search Results (1108)

Alcohol use and cognitive aging in middle-aged men: The Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging.Academic Article Why?
The aging factor in health and disease: the promise of basic research on aging.Academic Article Why?
Aging, Frailty, and the Microbiome-How Dysbiosis Influences Human Aging and Disease.Academic Article Why?
Eco-Aging: stem cells and microbes are controlled by aging antagonist FoxO.Academic Article Why?
Potential importance of B cells in aging and aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases.Academic Article Why?
Correction to: Potential importance of B cells in aging and aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases.Academic Article Why?
Measuring the impact of therapy-induced senescence on NK cell phenotypes in cancer.Academic Article Why?
The putative contribution of cellular senescence to driving tauopathies.Academic Article Why?
Senescence-associated ?-galactosidase activity marks the visceral endoderm of mouse embryos but is not indicative of senescence.Academic Article Why?
Negative fateful life events in midlife and advanced predicted brain aging.Academic Article Why?
Ceramide transfer protein deficiency compromises organelle function and leads to senescence in primary cells.Academic Article Why?
Control of cellular senescence by CPEB.Academic Article Why?
CPEB control of NF-kappaB nuclear localization and interleukin-6 production mediates cellular senescence.Academic Article Why?
Genome-wide RNAi screening to identify regulators of oncogene-induced cellular senescence.Academic Article Why?
Higher-order unfolding of satellite heterochromatin is a consistent and early event in cell senescence.Academic Article Why?
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