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Physician Perspectives about Telemedicine: Considering the Usability of Telemedicine in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019.Academic Article Why?
Lilly, CraigPerson Why?
Multiple Imputation based Clustering Validation (MIV) for Big Longitudinal Trial Data with Missing Values in eHealth.Academic Article Why?
Psychometric Properties of Patient-Facing eHealth Evaluation Measures: Systematic Review and Analysis.Academic Article Why?
Rincon, TeresaPerson Why?
Acute Care Advanced Practice Providers' Use of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Academic Article Why?
Buprenorphine discontinuation in telehealth-only treatment for opioid use disorder: A longitudinal cohort analysis.Academic Article Why?
Disparate healthcare access and telehealth-based hybrid consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic.Academic Article Why?
Effectiveness and Financial Viability of Telehealth Physician Extenders for Re-Engagement of Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy.Academic Article Why?
Efficacy and satisfaction of asynchronous TeleHealth care compared to in-person visits following colorectal surgical resection.Academic Article Why?
Factors That Affect Telehealth Utilization and In-Person Glaucoma Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Academic Article Why?
How NPs can help expand telehealth services.Academic Article Why?
Impact of telehealth on patient self-management of heart failure: a review of literature.Academic Article Why?
Implementation of video telehealth to improve access to evidence-based psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder.Academic Article Why?
Outcomes associated with a home care telehealth intervention.Academic Article Why?
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