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Search Results (15)

Melikian, HaleyPerson Why?
Presynaptic Gq-coupled receptors drive biphasic dopamine transporter trafficking that modulates dopamine clearance and motor function.Academic Article Why?
Striatal dopamine receptor plasticity in neurotensin deficient mice.Academic Article Why?
Coexpressed D1- and D2-like dopamine receptors antagonistically modulate acetylcholine release in Caenorhabditis elegans.Academic Article Why?
Presynaptic Gq-coupled receptors drive biphasic dopamine transporter trafficking that modulates dopamine clearance and motor functionAcademic Article Why?
VGLUT2 Is a Determinant of Dopamine Neuron Resilience in a Rotenone Model of Dopamine Neurodegeneration.Academic Article Why?
A conserved dopamine-cholecystokinin signaling pathway shapes context-dependent Caenorhabditis elegans behavior.Academic Article Why?
Amphetamine-induced decreases in dopamine transporter surface expression are protein kinase C-independent.Academic Article Why?
A dopamine antagonist blocks vaginocervical stimulation-induced neuronal responses in the rat forebrain.Academic Article Why?
Effects of a short-course MDMA binge on dopamine transporter binding and on levels of dopamine and its metabolites in adult male rats.Academic Article Why?
Colocalization of D1 and D2 dopamine receptor mRNAs in striatal neurons.Academic Article Why?
Dopamine transporter endocytic trafficking: Neuronal mechanisms and potential impact on DA-dependent behaviors.Academic Article Why?
Impaired ?-arrestin recruitment and reduced desensitization by non-catechol agonists of the D1 dopamine receptor.Academic Article Why?
In Situ Regulated Dopamine Transporter Trafficking: There's No Place Like Home.Academic Article Why?
Dopamine transporter endocytic determinants: carboxy terminal residues critical for basal and PKC-stimulated internalization.Academic Article Why?
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