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Search Results (73)

Lhx9 and lhx9alpha: differential biochemical properties and effects on neuronal differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Quantitative Map of Proteome Dynamics during Neuronal Differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Silencing Trisomy 21 with XIST in Neural Stem Cells Promotes Neuronal Differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Neuronal differentiation of EGF-propagated neurosphere cells after engraftment to the nucleus of the solitary tract.Academic Article Why?
PTEN: a newly identified regulator of neuronal differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Expression profiling of mammalian microRNAs uncovers a subset of brain-expressed microRNAs with possible roles in murine and human neuronal differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Feline bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) show similar phenotype and functions with regards to neuronal differentiation as human MSCs.Academic Article Why?
Hel-N1/Hel-N2 proteins are bound to poly(A)+ mRNA in granular RNP structures and are implicated in neuronal differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Boulting, GabriellaPerson Why?
Crucial role of Drosophila neurexin in proper active zone apposition to postsynaptic densities, synaptic growth, and synaptic transmission.Academic Article Why?
Expression of the zebrafish recognition molecule F3/F11/contactin in a subset of differentiating neurons is regulated by cofactors associated with LIM domains.Academic Article Why?
Immunophenotypic Characterization of Germ Cell Tumor-Derived Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors: Evidence for Frequent Neuronal and/or Glial Differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Coexpression of Brn-3a POU protein with p53 in a population of neuronal progenitor cells is associated with differentiation and protection against apoptosis.Academic Article Why?
Interfering of the Reelin/ApoER2/PSD95 Signaling Axis Reactivates Dendritogenesis of Mature Hippocampal Neurons.Academic Article Why?
Bach, IngolfPerson Why?
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