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Preventive care.Academic Article Why?
Integrative Medicine in a Preventive Medicine Residency: A Program for the Urban Underserved.Academic Article Why?
Preventing texting while driving: a statement of the American College of Preventive Medicine.Academic Article Why?
A Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Lens Toward Value-Based Preventive Care and Population Health.Academic Article Why?
Preventative care for patients with inflammatory bowel disease in the Veterans Health Administration.Academic Article Why?
Preventive care visits with OB/GYNs and generalist physicians among reproductive-age women with chronic conditions.Academic Article Why?
Receipt of preventive care among adults: insurance status and usual source of care.Academic Article Why?
Preventive MedicineConcept Why?
Yang, ChengwuPerson Why?
Measuring resident physicians' performance of preventive care. Comparing chart review with patient survey.Academic Article Why?
Clinical prevention and population health: curriculum framework for health professions.Academic Article Why?
COCATS 4 Task Force 2: Training in Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine.Academic Article Why?
Cost effectiveness of pertussis vaccination in adults.Academic Article Why?
Designing tailored Web-based instruction to improve practicing physicians' preventive practices.Academic Article Why?
Differences in preventive health quality by residency year. Is seniority better?Academic Article Why?
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