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Opportunities and challenges in heart rhythm research: Rationale and development of an electrophysiology collaboratory.Academic Article Why?
The potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize health care delivery, research, and education in cardiac electrophysiology.Academic Article Why?
A High-Throughput Electrophysiology Assay Identifies Inhibitors of the Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channel Kir7.1.Academic Article Why?
All-optical electrophysiology in mammalian neurons using engineered microbial rhodopsins.Academic Article Why?
Emerging role of artificial intelligence in cardiac electrophysiology.Academic Article Why?
Targeted modification of atrial electrophysiology by homogeneous transmural atrial gene transfer.Academic Article Why?
Variability of the relationship between electrophysiology and BOLD-fMRI across cortical regions in humans.Academic Article Why?
Whole Cell Electrophysiology of Primary Cultured Murine Enterochromaffin Cells.Academic Article Why?
Cardiac ElectrophysiologyConcept Why?
ElectrophysiologyConcept Why?
A method to measure the effective spread of focally injected muscimol into the central nervous system with electrophysiology and light microscopy.Academic Article Why?
Electrophysiology and neuronal integrity following systemic arterial hypotension in a rat model of unilateral carotid artery occlusion.Academic Article Why?
Three-dimensional rotational angiography of the left atrium and esophagus--A virtual computed tomography scan in the electrophysiology lab?Academic Article Why?
A novel method for identification of peptide contents from individual neurohypophysial terminals after patch-clamp recordings.Academic Article Why?
A novel mouse brain slice preparation of the hippocampo-accumbens pathway.Academic Article Why?
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