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Activation of intestinal tuft cell-expressed Sucnr1 triggers type 2 immunity in the mouse small intestine.Academic Article Why?
Alcohol and fatty acid stimulation of neurotensin release from rat small intestine.Academic Article Why?
Blastocystis tropism in the pig intestine.Academic Article Why?
CD8+ T Cells Require ITK-Mediated TCR Signaling for Migration to the Intestine.Academic Article Why?
Determinants of reovirus interaction with the intestinal M cells and absorptive cells of murine intestine.Academic Article Why?
Differential processing of neurotensin/neuromedin N precursor(s) in canine brain and intestine.Academic Article Why?
Gutsy science: In vitro systems of the human intestine to model oral drug disposition.Academic Article Why?
Heligmosomoides polygyrus promotes regulatory T-cell cytokine production in the murine normal distal intestine.Academic Article Why?
Induction of CD8+ regulatory T cells in the intestine by Heligmosomoides polygyrus infection.Academic Article Why?
Intramural fat in the duodenum and proximal small intestine in patients with celiac disease.Academic Article Why?
Isolation, biological and chemical characterization, and synthesis of a neurotensin-related hexapeptide from chicken intestine.Academic Article Why?
Liver-intestine transplant from a pediatric donor with unrecognized mitochondrial succinate cytochrome C reductase deficiency.Academic Article Why?
Mature enteroendocrine cells contribute to basal and pathological stem cell dynamics in the small intestine.Academic Article Why?
Notch2 receptor signaling controls functional differentiation of dendritic cells in the spleen and intestine.Academic Article Why?
Purification of dendritic cell and macrophage subsets from the normal mouse small intestine.Academic Article Why?
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