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Search Results (1548)

McClements, DavidPerson Why?
Henson, MichaelPerson Why?
Models, BiologicalConcept Why?
Shipley, RebeccaPerson Why?
Forbes, NeilPerson Why?
Mandrekar, PranotiPerson Why?
Kelly, EdwardPerson Why?
[Mathematical model of the transformation of viral hepatitis into chronic disease. Preliminary results. I. Specification of global descriptive parameters of hepatic inflammation].Academic Article Why?
[Mathematical model of the transformation of viral hepatitis into chronic disease. Preliminary results. II. Determination of the evolution equations of inflamed hepatic tissue].Academic Article Why?
A biomechanical model of agonist-initiated contraction in the asthmatic airway.Academic Article Why?
A computational model of the human thyroid.Academic Article Why?
A deterministic model predicts the properties of stochastic calcium oscillations in airway smooth muscle cells.Academic Article Why?
A dictionary of behavioral motifs reveals clusters of genes affecting Caenorhabditis elegans locomotion.Academic Article Why?
A fast-starting mechanical fish that accelerates at 40 m s(-2).Academic Article Why?
A functional evolutionary approach to identify determinants of nucleosome positioning: a unifying model for establishing the genome-wide pattern.Academic Article Why?
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