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Nuclear structure in cancer cells.Academic Article Why?
HIV-1 Vpr induces defects in mitosis, cytokinesis, nuclear structure, and centrosomes.Academic Article Why?
Hall-Anderson, LisaPerson Why?
Lawrence, JeannePerson Why?
Nucleolar structure connects with global nuclear organization.Academic Article Why?
Nucleolar structure connects with global nuclear organization.Academic Article Why?
Dissecting the Structural Dynamics of the Nuclear Pore Complex.Academic Article Why?
Structure of the gene encoding hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1).Academic Article Why?
The structure of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin b by nuclear magnetic resonance and circular dichroism.Academic Article Why?
A multifaceted FISH approach to study endogenous RNAs and DNAs in native nuclear and cell structures.Academic Article Why?
Changing nuclear landscape and unique PML structures during early epigenetic transitions of human embryonic stem cells.Academic Article Why?
Human follistatin-related protein: a structural homologue of follistatin with nuclear localization.Academic Article Why?
Functional analysis of Tpr: identification of nuclear pore complex association and nuclear localization domains and a role in mRNA export.Academic Article Why?
Fischer, AndrewPerson Why?
Accounting for molecular mobility in structure determination based on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction data.Academic Article Why?
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