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Next generation APOBEC3 inhibitors: Optimally designed for potency and nuclease stability.Academic Article Why?
Schiffer, CeliaPerson Why?
First-in-class small molecule inhibitors of the single-strand DNA cytosine deaminase APOBEC3G.Academic Article Why?
Substrate sequence selectivity of APOBEC3A implicates intra-DNA interactions.Academic Article Why?
Structural basis of substrate specificity in human cytidine deaminase family APOBEC3s.Academic Article Why?
Crystal structure of APOBEC3A bound to single-stranded DNA reveals structural basis for cytidine deamination and specificity.Academic Article Why?
Structural Analysis of the Active Site and DNA Binding of Human Cytidine Deaminase APOBEC3B.Academic Article Why?
Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of HIV-1 restriction factor APOBEC3G in complex with ssDNA.Academic Article Why?
RNA binding to APOBEC3G induces the disassembly of functional deaminase complexes by displacing single-stranded DNA substrates.Academic Article Why?
Crystal Structure of a Soluble APOBEC3G Variant Suggests ssDNA to Bind in a Channel that Extends between the Two Domains.Academic Article Why?
Deaminase activity on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) occurs in vitro when APOBEC3G cytidine deaminase forms homotetramers and higher-order complexes.Academic Article Why?
Somasundaran, MohanPerson Why?
The ssDNA Mutator APOBEC3A Is Regulated by Cooperative Dimerization.Academic Article Why?
Mechanism for APOBEC3G catalytic exclusion of RNA and non-substrate DNA.Academic Article Why?
Direct evidence that RNA inhibits APOBEC3G ssDNA cytidine deaminase activity.Academic Article Why?
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