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Search Results (88)

Baek, Jong GyuPerson Why?
Clinical and MRI correlates of autoreactive antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients.Academic Article Why?
Correlates of real world executive dysfunction in bipolar I disorder.Academic Article Why?
Correlation and regression.Academic Article Why?
Correlation between patient and clinician assessments of depression severity in the PREVENT study.Academic Article Why?
Diffusion and binding properties investigated by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS).Academic Article Why?
Nonmass enhancement on breast MRI: review of patterns with radiologic-pathologic correlation and discussion of management.Academic Article Why?
Coil-to-coil physiological noise correlations and their impact on functional MRI time-series signal-to-noise ratio.Academic Article Why?
Correlation of apparent diffusion coefficient with Ki-67 proliferation index in grading meningioma.Academic Article Why?
Fluorescence lifetimes and correlated photon statistics from single CdSe/oligo(phenylene vinylene) composite nanostructures.Academic Article Why?
Prefrontal regional correlates of self-control in male psychiatric patients: Impulsivity facets and aggression.Academic Article Why?
Receipt of disability payments by substance users: mental and physical health correlates.Academic Article Why?
Structural correlates of functional language dominance: a voxel-based morphometry study.Academic Article Why?
Correlation of patient-reported symptom outcomes and treadmill test outcomes after treatment for aortoiliac claudication.Academic Article Why?
Heritability and correlates of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in the Framingham Offspring Study.Academic Article Why?
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