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Unsolved problems in comparing brain sizes in Homo sapiens.Academic Article Why?
Greiner, DalePerson Why?
Pederson, ThoruPerson Why?
Schiffer, CeliaPerson Why?
Dekker, JobPerson Why?
An ectopic human XIST gene can induce chromosome inactivation in postdifferentiation human HT-1080 cells.Academic Article Why?
Diverse human extracellular RNAs are widely detected in human plasma.Academic Article Why?
Human CD4+ T cell response to human herpesvirus 6.Academic Article Why?
DNA sequence of human chromosome 17 and analysis of rearrangement in the human lineage.Academic Article Why?
Perry, DonnaPerson Why?
Rogaev, EvgenyPerson Why?
Appearance of human plasma cells following differentiation of human B cells in NOD/SCID mouse spleen.Academic Article Why?
Human leukocytic pyrogen induces release of specific granule contents from human neutrophils.Academic Article Why?
Human single-chain antibodies inhibit replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).Academic Article Why?
Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Nepal: Patterns of Human Fatalities and Injuries Caused by Large Mammals.Academic Article Why?
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