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Search Results (73)

Baek, Jong GyuPerson Why?
Reed, GeorgePerson Why?
Li, WenjunPerson Why?
Barton, BrucePerson Why?
Genes determine stability and the environment determines change in cognitive ability during 35 years of adulthood.Academic Article Why?
Bodyweight, gender, and quality of life: a population-based longitudinal study.Academic Article Why?
Longitudinal consent-related abilities among research participants with schizophrenia: results from the CATIE study.Academic Article Why?
Changes in waist circumference and body mass index in the US CARDIA cohort: fixed-effects associations with self-reported experiences of racial/ethnic discrimination.Academic Article Why?
Lyons, MichaelPerson Why?
Incidence and antecedents of nonmedical prescription opioid use in four US communities. The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) prospective cohort study.Academic Article Why?
Tucker, KatherinePerson Why?
Goldberg, RobertPerson Why?
Crawford, SybilPerson Why?
Lin, HonghuangPerson Why?
Whitcomb, BrianPerson Why?
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  • Longitudinal
  • Data Analysis
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