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Search Results (27)

Correction: MYCN acts as a direct co-regulator of p53 in MYCN amplified neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
MYCN acts as a direct co-regulator of p53 in MYCN amplified neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
Aurora B kinase is a potent and selective target in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
CKLF instigates a "cold" microenvironment to promote MYCN-mediated tumor aggressiveness.Academic Article Why?
Mdm2 deficiency suppresses MYCN-Driven neuroblastoma tumorigenesis in vivo.Academic Article Why?
MYCN-directed centrosome amplification requires MDM2-mediated suppression of p53 activity in neuroblastoma cells.Academic Article Why?
MYCN-driven regulatory mechanisms controlling LIN28B in neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
Shohet, JasonPerson Why?
MDM2 as a critical effector of the MYCN oncogene in tumorigenesis.Academic Article Why?
MDM2 as MYCN transcriptional target: implications for neuroblastoma pathogenesis.Academic Article Why?
Minichromosome maintenance protein MCM7 is a direct target of the MYCN transcription factor in neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
MYCN controls an alternative RNA splicing program in high-risk metastatic neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
Redefining functional MYCN gene signatures in neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
Targeted expression of human MYCN selectively causes pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in transgenic zebrafish.Academic Article Why?
The p53 regulatory gene MDM2 is a direct transcriptional target of MYCN in neuroblastoma.Academic Article Why?
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