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Melikian, HaleyPerson Why?
Chemogenetic Inactivation of Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Neurons Disrupts Attentional Behavior in Mouse.Academic Article Why?
Winder, DannyPerson Why?
Neurexins in serotonergic neurons regulate neuronal survival, serotonin transmission, and complex mouse behaviors.Academic Article Why?
The impact of intermittent exercise on mouse ethanol drinking and abstinence-associated affective behavior and physiology.Academic Article Why?
Cognition and mood-related behaviors in L3mbtl1 null mutant mice.Academic Article Why?
Phf8 loss confers resistance to depression-like and anxiety-like behaviors in mice.Academic Article Why?
Deletion of the Bax gene disrupts sexual behavior and modestly impairs motor function in mice.Academic Article Why?
Dopamine requires the unoccupied progesterone receptor to induce sexual behavior in mice.Academic Article Why?
Delineation of an insula-BNST circuit engaged by struggling behavior that regulates avoidance in mice.Academic Article Why?
Food anticipatory activity behavior of mice across a wide range of circadian and non-circadian intervals.Academic Article Why?
Hormonal restoration of masculine sexual behavior in long-term castrated B6D2F1 mice.Academic Article Why?
Loss of Thr286 phosphorylation disrupts synaptic CaMKIIa targeting, NMDAR activity and behavior in pre-adolescent mice.Academic Article Why?
Retention of masculine sexual behavior following castration in male B6D2F1 mice.Academic Article Why?
Valproate reverses mania-like behaviors in mice via preferential targeting of HDAC2.Academic Article Why?
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