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LBP, CD14, TLR4 and the murine innate immune response to a peritoneal Salmonella infection.Academic Article Why?
Spatiotemporal proteomics uncovers cathepsin-dependent macrophage cell death during Salmonella infection.Academic Article Why?
The role of lipopolysaccharide binding protein in resistance to Salmonella infections in mice.Academic Article Why?
The type three secreted effector SipC regulates the trafficking of PERP during Salmonella infection.Academic Article Why?
McCormick, BethPerson Why?
Salmonella InfectionsConcept Why?
Salmonella Infections, AnimalConcept Why?
Translating tissue culture results into animal models: the case of Salmonella typhimurium.Academic Article Why?
Salmonella infection induces recruitment of Caspase-8 to the inflammasome to modulate IL-1? production.Academic Article Why?
Man v. animal feeds as the source of human salmonellosis.Academic Article Why?
Family Outbreaks of Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis following a Meal of Guinea Pigs.Academic Article Why?
Irazoqui, JavierPerson Why?
Apical secretion of a pathogen-elicited epithelial chemoattractant activity in response to surface colonization of intestinal epithelia by Salmonella typhimurium.Academic Article Why?
Caenorhabditis elegans-based screen identifies Salmonella virulence factors required for conserved host-pathogen interactions.Academic Article Why?
Caspase-3 cleavage of Salmonella type III secreted effector protein SifA is required for localization of functional domains and bacterial dissemination.Academic Article Why?
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