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Search Results (876)

Friedmann, PeterPerson Why?
Smelson, DavidPerson Why?
Najavits, LisaPerson Why?
Evans, ElizabethPerson Why?
Yonkers, KimberlyPerson Why?
Drug addiction stigma in relation to methadone maintenance treatment by different service delivery models in Vietnam.Academic Article Why?
Patients with Infectious Endocarditis and Drug Dependence Have Worse Clinical Outcomes after Valvular Surgery.Academic Article Why?
The quality of asthma care among adults with substance-related disorders and adults with mental illness.Academic Article Why?
Chai, PeterPerson Why?
Pathways Relating the Neurobiology of Attachment to Drug Addiction.Academic Article Why?
Substance-Related DisordersConcept Why?
Carreiro, StephaniePerson Why?
Kelly, LourahPerson Why?
Finlay, AndreaPerson Why?
Clark, RobinPerson Why?
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