Grants - Co-Investigator (5%). Principal Investigator: Milagros Rosal, PhD. The role of stress on gestational weight gain in a Latina population. National Institute of Health R01. 2009 to 2014. Pending Grant.
- Principal Investigator (7.5%). Angiogenic Biomarkers for the Prediction of Preeclampsia. Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS). Pilot Project Program (PPP). University of Massachusetts Medical School; $150,000/ 2 years. 2008 to 2010. Current Grant.
- Principal Investigator. Intra-Operative Postpartum Hemorrhage Simulation & Blended Learning Curriculum. Sloan Foundation, University of Massachusetts; $35,000. 2007 to 2008. Past Grant.
Contracts- Sub-Contract Co-Investigator, Tiffany Moore-Simas, MD. Sub-Contract Principal Investigator: Janet H. Hardy, MSc, MPH, PhD. Primary Submitting Institution: National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago Scientific Program to Support Epidemiologic Investigations of Safety Related Issues Of Marketed Drugs, and Evaluations of Risk Management Programs and Tools. UMMS Proposal for Special Population Capability: Medication Safety in Pregnancy (Rapid Response Center) FDA-SOL-08-00766.
2008 to 2013. Pending Contract. - Co-Investigator: Tiffany Moore-Simas, MD. Prinicipal Investigator:
Janet H. Hardy, MSc, MPH, PhD CDC-NCBCC (solicited proposal; pending). $487,000 (direct costs). Medication Safety in Pregnancy and Adverse Neurodevelopmental Childhood Effects. 2009 to 2012. - Co-Investigator (6.5%), Hospital Engagement Liaison (20%). Principal Investigator: Marianne E. Felice, MD. Massachusetts Child Health in Life Determinants (MassCHILD), Worcester County. National Children's Study NIH-NICHD-NCS-07-11. Contract HHSN267200700024C. 2007 to 2012. Current Contract.
- Site-Investigator. Preeclampsia Study Protocol 06-007. Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (OCD), Johnson & Johnson Company, Raritan, NJ, USA. 2007-2009. Current Contract.
Advisor - UMMS Ob/Gyn Resident Research Projects- Class of 2011: Jonathan Grogins, MD Survey of Patient Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs of Potentially Teratogenic Medications in Pregnancy.
- Class of 2010:Tara Kumaraswami, MD Postpartum Depression: Impact of an Educational Intervention on Help-Seeking Behaviors. Jennifer Scanlon, MD On-line Survey of Ob/Gyn Resident Knowledge regarding Emergency Contraception.
- Class of 2009: Erin Barlow, MD. Weight gain in adolescent pregnancy and postpartum weight retention. Kenneth Barron, MD. Giving Birth - Survey of attitudes regarding Cesarean delivery on maternal request and vaginal delivery. Teresa Robb, MD. Survey of Patient Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs of Potentially Teratogenic Medications in Pregnancy. Kristy Whitman, MD. Prospective observational study of obstetric interventions and outcomes in pregnancies following loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), previously performed for cervical dysplasia.
- Class 2008: Jaimee DeMone, MD. Prospective observational study of obstetric interventions and outcomes in pregnancies following loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), previously performed for cervical dysplasia. Shaliz Dolan, MD. Laboratory panel for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) screening in pregnancy. Melissa Moffitt, MD Obesity in pregnancy & adherence to IOM weight gain guidelines. Neelam Thacker, MD Perinatal depression & suicidality.
- Class of 2007: Sara Frost, MD. Prediction of Preeclampsia Study (PoPS). Michele Sinopoli, MD. Prospective evaluation of effect of epidural on obstetric laceration trauma. Stacy Hunt-Okolo, MD. Domestic violence screening in pregnancy - the Women's Abuse Screening Tool (WAST).
- Class of 2006: Chanel Tyler, MD. Laboratory panel for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) screening in pregnancy. Cherie Quesenberry, MD. Retrospective evaluation of racial differences in obstetric laceration trauma. Uchechi Wosu, MD. Prediction model of urinary retention following TVT.
- Class of 2005: Sameena Rahman, MD. Domestic violence screening in pregnancy - the Women's Abuse Screening Tool (WAST).
Advisor - UMMS Medical Student Clinical Pathway Scholar Research Projects- Class of 2012: Erin Habecker Giving Birth - Survey of attitudes regarding Cesarean delivery on maternal request and vaginal delivery in midwifery and family medicine obstetric patients.
Advisor - UMMS Medical Student Senior Scholar Research Projects- Class of 2010: Gina Tassone. 'Guess my BMI'. . .Providers visual perception of BMI and associated recommendations for weight gain in pregnancy. Katharine Barnes. Gestational Weight Gain: Patient Survey of Attitudes, Modifiable Behaviors, and Provider Advice.
- Class of 2009: Darrah Doyle. Evaluation of Ob/Gyn provider advice regarding gestational weight gain in comparison to patient recall and adherence. Erin Eppsteiner. Survey of postpartum weight in women with gestational diabetes.
- Class of 2007: Megan Reynolds. Role of education in women's knowledge and acceptance of adjunct HPV testing for cervical cancer screening.