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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Muehlschlegel, Susanne

Dr. Muehlschlegel is an Associate Professor of Neurology, Anesthesiology and Surgery and practices as a clinician and investigator in Neurocritical Care. She completed clinical training in neurology, vascular neurology and neurocritical care, and is triple board certified in these subspecialties. She has obtained additional research training through the completion of the Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program for Clinical Effectiveness and Masters of Public Health Program, with a focus in Clinical Effectiveness. She is a clinician-scientist, and her goal and vision is to improve the clinical care and the outcomes of critically ill patients (and their families) with neurological emergencies through evidence based medicine and cutting edge research. Dr. Muehlschlegel's clinical research laboratory engages in NIH and industry-funded research in collaboration with national and international teams to achieve this ultimate goal. Her research program focuses on outcome prognostication and shared decision making in patients with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), large acute ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage. https://umassmed.edu/nccresearch


Dr. Muehlschlegel's passion is to mentor trainees (UMMS medical students, residents, fellows, visiting research scholars) and junior faculty to promote curiosity and scientific rigor, and share her love for neurocritical care and academic medicine. She actively promotes women in STEM and Neurocritical Care.


From 2018 - 2020 she served as the Co-Director, and since 2020 as the Director of the UMMS Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP) sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs, a national model of junior faculty development. https://www.umassmed.edu/ofa/development/JFDP/

Search Criteria
  • Cerebral Hemorrhage