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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Violette, Cathy

Research InterestsCathy Violette

Patient recruitment in CWC, UMMHC

  • "Collection of cord blood for studies of human stem cell homeopoiesis in smallanimal models." aClinical research study of Catherine Waud, MD.
  • Depression in Pregnancy." Clinical research study of Rebecca Lundquist, MD. (2006).
  • "Women's Abuse Screening Tool, (WAST) in obstetric and postpartum patients." Clinical research study of Tiffany Moore Simas, MD et al. (2004).
  • "Prediction of Preeclampsia." Clinical research study of Sharon Maynard, MD.(2004).
  • "Stem Cell Cord Blood Study."American Red Cross
    patient recruitment.(2004)."Effect ofC.VioletteMaternal Posture
    on Breech Presentation." Doctoral Dissertation ofSandra Founds
    CNM-FNP, PhD candidate. (2002).


  • Ad-hoc patient questionnaire developed to measure African Women's Hygiene Practices in response to Fetal Death Committee findings on open chart review. Data de-identified and submitted to Worcester Infant Mortality Reduction Task Force. (2003).
  • Ad-hoc questionnaire developed to measure Patient Satisfaction Surrounding Prenatal Educational Materials given in CWC, UMMHC. Data de-identified and utilized to affirm cost of materials.(2003).

Search Criteria
  • Patient Selection