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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Armstrong, Elizabeth
Item TypeName
Concept Stroke
Concept Stroke Rehabilitation
Academic Article The Wangi (talking) project: A feasibility study of a rehabilitation model for aboriginal people with acquired communication disorders after stroke.
Academic Article Amount of therapy matters in very early aphasia rehabilitation after stroke: a clinical prognostic model.
Academic Article Statistical analysis plan for the stepped wedge clinical trial Healing Right Way-enhancing rehabilitation services for Aboriginal Australians after brain injury.
Academic Article Speech pathologists' experience of involving people with stroke-induced aphasia in clinical decision making during rehabilitation.
Academic Article Communication services for First Nations peoples after stroke and traumatic brain injury: Alignment of Sustainable Development Goals 3, 16 and 17.
Academic Article Hospital staff, volunteers' and patients' perceptions of barriers and facilitators to communication following stroke in an acute and a rehabilitation private hospital ward: a qualitative description study.
Academic Article Communication disorders after stroke in Aboriginal Australians.
Academic Article Statistical analysis plan (SAP) for the Very Early Rehabilitation in Speech (VERSE) after stroke trial: an international 3-arm clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of early, intensive, prescribed, direct aphasia therapy.
Academic Article A randomized control trial of intensive aphasia therapy after acute stroke: The Very Early Rehabilitation for SpEech (VERSE) study.
Academic Article Staff and volunteers' perceptions of a Communication Enhanced Environment model in an acute/slow stream rehabilitation and a rehabilitation hospital ward: a qualitative description study within a before-and-after pilot study.
Academic Article Investigation of the implementation of a Communication Enhanced Environment model on an acute/slow stream rehabilitation and a rehabilitation ward: A before-and-after pilot study.
Academic Article A randomized controlled trial of very early rehabilitation in speech after stroke.
Academic Article Patients' experiences of a Communication Enhanced Environment model on an acute/slow stream rehabilitation and a rehabilitation ward following stroke: a qualitative description approach.
Academic Article Treatment fidelity monitoring, reporting and findings in a complex aphasia intervention trial: a substudy of the Very Early Rehabilitation in SpEech (VERSE) trial.
Academic Article Experiences of participation in goal setting for people with stroke-induced aphasia in Norway. A qualitative study.
Academic Article Mild aphasia: is this the place for an argument?
Search Criteria
  • Stroke