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One or more keywords matched the following properties of DeBenedectis, Carolynn

Dr. Carolynn DeBenedectis is a fellowship trained Women’s Imager who specializes in breast imaging. Dr. DeBenedectis' reseach focuses on education and she has served in the past as a Radiology Residency Program Director and Vice Chair for Education. Dr. DeBenedectis developed the first training program in the country to teach and evaluate radiology residents’ communication skills through simulation. Her training program is now part of the American College of Radiology’s official communication skills curriculum for residents. Dr. DeBenedectis has also created curriculums for resident education on well being, diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as health care disparities in Radiology.  She was awarded the APDR Jerome Ardnt Grant in 2020 to develop her curriculum on health care disparities. Dr. DeBenedectis was awarded the Joseph E. and Nancy O. Whitley Award in 2023 for her manuscript describing the inmplementation of the APDR health care disparities curriculum which she created. Dr. DeBenedectis previously served as co-chair of the APDR Diversity Committee and now is chair of the Massachuseets Radiologic Society Health Equity/Community Engagement Committee. In addition, she has published numerous papers and lead numerous initiatives to increase the number of women and underrepresented minorities in radiology. 

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to DeBenedectis, Carolynn
Item TypeName
Concept Curriculum
Academic Article Coming Out of the Dark: A Curriculum for Teaching and Evaluating Radiology Residents' Communication Skills Through Simulation.
Academic Article Health Care Disparities in Radiology: A Primer for Resident Education.
Academic Article Educating Radiology Residents About Patient- and Family-Centered Care: The Time Has?Come.
Academic Article A Review of Resources and Methodologies Available for Teaching and Assessing Patient-Related Communication Skills in Radiology.
Academic Article Do Interventions Intended to Increase Female Medical Student Interest in Radiology Work? Preliminary Findings.
Academic Article The Association of Program Directors in Radiology Academic Output Task Force: Assisting Today's Busy Radiology Educators.
Academic Article Incorporating Patient- and Family-Centered Care Into Radiology Residency Training Through an Experiential Curriculum.
Academic Article The Association of Program Directors in Radiology Well-Being 2019 Survey: Identifying Residency Gaps and Offering Solutions.
Academic Article Still Coming Out of the Dark: Enduring Effects of Simulation-Based Communication Skills Training for Radiology Residents-Four-Year Follow-Up.
Academic Article Global Radiology Training Prevalence Among Radiology Residency Programs.
Academic Article Breaking the Stereotype: Interventions Aimed at Changing Medical Student Misperceptions of Radiology and Increasing the Female Match Rate.
Academic Article Integrating art museum visits into the radiology curriculum: A program to encourage engagement, observation and analytic skills among millennial learners.
Academic Article Addressing the ACGME Mandate for Healthcare Disparities Education in Residency Programs: A Needs Assessment.
Academic Article Artificial intelligence-based decision support system (AI-DSS) implementation in radiology residency: Introducing residents to AI in the clinical setting.
Academic Article APDR Healthcare Disparities Curriculum Pilot: Helping Trainees Meet More Than a Milestone.
Search Criteria
  • Curriculum