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Search Results
Ginns, Edward
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Ginns, Edward
Item Type
Academic Article
A genome-wide search for chromosomal loci linked to bipolar affective disorder in the Old Order Amish.
Academic Article
The inheritance of bipolar affective disorder: abundant genes coming together.
Academic Article
Update on the search for DNA markers linked to manic-depressive illness in the Old Order Amish.
Academic Article
Linkage analysis of juvenile parkinsonism to tyrosine hydroxylase gene locus on chromosome 11.
Academic Article
A genome-wide search for chromosomal loci linked to mental health wellness in relatives at high risk for bipolar affective disorder among the Old Order Amish.
Academic Article
Absence of a significant linkage between Na(+),K(+)-ATPase subunit (ATP1A3 and ATP1B3) genotypes and bipolar affective disorder in the old-order Amish.
Academic Article
Re-evaluation of the linkage relationship between chromosome 11p loci and the gene for bipolar affective disorder in the Old Order Amish.
Academic Article
Linkage between the loci for autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1 and human glucocerebrosidase.
Academic Article
Joint multi-population analysis for genetic linkage of bipolar disorder or "wellness" to chromosome 4p.
Academic Article
Metaxin, a gene contiguous to both thrombospondin 3 and glucocerebrosidase, is required for embryonic development in the mouse: implications for Gaucher disease.
Genetic Linkage
Search Criteria
Genetic Linkage