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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Lee, Michael


Michael Lee received his BS degree in Cell Biology from the University of Washington in 2002, where he studied the function and regulation of non-receptor tyrosine kinases in the immune system, first in the laboratory of Steven D. Levin, and subsequently with Michael J. Bevan. Working in Henrik G. Dohlman's lab, Mike went on to receive his PhD in Pharmacology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2008 for work studying the subcellular localization and mechanisms of activation of heterotrimeric G proteins. For postdoctoral training, Mike moved to the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT, where he worked with Michael B. Yaffe, studying crosstalk between growth factor and DNA damage signaling networks. Mike joined the Department of Systems Biology in late 2013. His lab studies complex behaviors of signaling networks that control cell death, how network state and network architecture are perturbed in various forms of cancer, and how these perturbations contribute to treatment responses. They aim to identify guiding principles for designing rational combination drug therapies for breast and other types of cancer.

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Lab Info: The Lee Lab

Department: Department of Systems Biology



Program in Molecular Medicine

Department of Cancer Biology



Rotation Projects

We are always very excited to have students rotate in the Lee Lab! Projects are available for those interested in developing an experimental and/or computational skill set, and those interested in training across these disciplines are always encouraged to do so. By rotating in the Lee Lab, you will gain expertise in a variety of quantitative high-throughput techniques in the area of proteomics, signal transduction, network biology, and genomics. We aim to actively promote an interactive and fun atmosphere. Students will participate in various lab and PSB functions, including weekly lab meetings, weekly Systems Biology journal club, and at the end of the rotation, students will present their work to the lab/department.

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