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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Blaustein, Jeffrey
Item TypeName
Academic Article Leptin facilitates and inhibits sexual behavior in female hamsters.
Academic Article Expression of Fos-like proteins in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons of Syrian hamsters: effects of estrous cycles and metabolic fuels.
Academic Article Strategies and methods for research on sex differences in brain and behavior.
Academic Article Mating stimulation required for mating-induced estrous abbreviation in female rats: effects of repeated testing.
Academic Article Inhibition of estrous behavior by progesterone in rats: role of neural estrogen and progestin receptors.
Academic Article The relationship between heat abbreviation and neural progestin receptors in female rats.
Academic Article Supplemental progesterone delays heat termination and the loss of progestin receptors from hypothalamic cell nuclei in female guinea pigs.
Academic Article ICI 182,780: a pure antiestrogen that affects behaviors and energy balance in rats without acting in the brain.
Academic Article Development of steroid-induced lordosis in female guinea pigs: effects of different estradiol and progesterone treatments, clonidine, and early weaning.
Academic Article Inhibition of sexual behavior in female guinea pigs by a progestin receptor antagonist.
Academic Article Ovarian influences on the meal patterns of female rats.
Academic Article Manipulations of metabolic fuel availability alter estrous behavior and neural estrogen receptor immunoreactivity in Syrian hamsters.
Academic Article ICI 182,780 antagonizes the effects of estradiol on estrous behavior and energy balance in Syrian hamsters.
Concept Estrus
Search Criteria
  • Estrus