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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Sievert, Lynnette Leidy
Item TypeName
Academic Article Variation in sweating patterns: implications for studies of hot flashes through skin conductance.
Academic Article Cross-cultural comparisons: midlife, aging, and menopause.
Academic Article Effects of age, ethnicity and menopause on ambulatory blood pressure: Japanese-American and Caucasian school teachers in Hawaii.
Academic Article Patterns of occurrence and concordance between subjective and objective hot flashes among Muslim and Hindu women in Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Academic Article Do Japanese American women really have fewer hot flashes than European Americans? The Hilo Women's Health Study.
Academic Article Overview of methods used in cross-cultural comparisons of menopausal symptoms and their determinants: Guidelines for Strengthening the Reporting of Menopause and Aging (STROMA) studies.
Academic Article Methods used in cross-cultural comparisons of psychological symptoms and their determinants.
Academic Article Symptom clusters at midlife: a four-country comparison of checklist and qualitative responses.
Academic Article Symptom groupings at midlife: cross-cultural variation and association with job, home, and life change.
Academic Article Methods used in cross-cultural comparisons of sexual symptoms and their determinants.
Academic Article Methods used in cross-cultural comparisons of somatic symptoms and their determinants.
Academic Article Methods used in cross-cultural comparisons of vasomotor symptoms and their determinants.
Academic Article Cross-cultural comparisons: methodological concerns.
Concept Cross-Cultural Comparison
Academic Article Cross-cultural analysis of determinants of hot flashes and night sweats: Latin-American immigrants to Madrid and their Spanish neighbors.
Academic Article Cross cultural analysis of factors associated with age at natural menopause among Latin-American immigrants to Madrid and their Spanish neighbors.
Search Criteria
  • Cross Cultural Comparison