Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Cytokine gene expression in islets and thyroids of BB rats. IFN-gamma and IL-12p40 mRNA increase with age in both diabetic and insulin-treated nondiabetic BB rats.
Academic Article
Oral insulin does not prevent insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in BB rats.
Academic Article
Ontogeny and immunohistochemical localization of thymus-dependent and thymus-independent RT6+ cells in the rat.
Academic Article
Lack of peripherally induced tolerance to established skin allografts in immunologically reconstituted scid mice.
Academic Article
Role of natural killer cells on engraftment of human lymphoid cells and on metastasis of human T-lymphoblastoid leukemia cells in C57BL/6J-scid mice and in C57BL/6J-scid bg mice.
Academic Article
Thymus atrophy and changes in thymocyte subpopulations of BN rats with mercury-induced renal autoimmune disease.
Academic Article
Tolerance to islet xenografts induced by dual manipulation of antigen presentation and co-stimulation.
Academic Article
Improved engraftment of human cord blood stem cells in NOD/LtSz-scid/scid mice after irradiation or multiple-day injections into unirradiated recipients.
Academic Article
Enhanced human CD4+ T cell engraftment in beta2-microglobulin-deficient NOD-scid mice.
Academic Article
CD8+ T lymphocytes are not required for murine resistance to human filarial parasites.
Academic Article
Induction of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in PVG.RT1u rats.
Academic Article
The T cell marker RT6 in a rat model of autoimmune diabetes.
Academic Article
Severe defects in immunity and hematopoiesis caused by SHP-1 protein-tyrosine-phosphatase deficiency.
Academic Article
Effects of HgCl2 on the expression of autoimmune responses and disease in diabetes-prone (DP) BB rats.
Academic Article
Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) does not induce nitric oxide (NO) synthesis.
Academic Article
Mercury-induced autoimmunity in Brown Norway rats: kinetics of changes in RT6+ T lymphocytes correlated with IgG isotypes of circulating autoantibodies to laminin 1.
Academic Article
SCID mouse models of human stem cell engraftment.
Academic Article
High frequency apoptosis of recent thymic emigrants in the liver of lymphopenic diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats.
Academic Article
Induction of immunological tolerance to islet allografts.
Academic Article
Rat RT6.2 and mouse Rt6 locus 1 are NAD+: arginine ADP ribosyltransferases with auto-ADP ribosylation activity.
Academic Article
HIV-1 infectivity of human T cells in a human/murine chimeric fetal thymic organ culture system.
Academic Article
Animal models for immunodeficiency diseases.
Academic Article
Induction of islet transplantation tolerance using donor specific transfusion and anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article
Prolonged skin allograft survival in mice treated with Flt3-ligand-induced dendritic cells and anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article
Recapitulation of normal and abnormal BioBreeding rat T cell development in adult thymus organ culture.
Academic Article
Cutting edge: sustained expansion of CD8+ T cells requires CD154 expression by Th cells in acute graft versus host disease.
Academic Article
NOD mice have a generalized defect in their response to transplantation tolerance induction.
Academic Article
Diabetes-prone and diabetes-resistant BB rats share a common major diabetes susceptibility locus, iddm4: additional evidence for a "universal autoimmunity locus" on rat chromosome 4.
Academic Article
Treatment of allograft recipients with donor-specific transfusion and anti-CD154 antibody leads to deletion of alloreactive CD8+ T cells and prolonged graft survival in a CTLA4-dependent manner.
Academic Article
Virus-induced abrogation of transplantation tolerance induced by donor-specific transfusion and anti-CD154 antibody.
Academic Article
Growth of the human filarial parasite Brugia malayi in mice lacking major histocompatibility complex class II antigen expression.
Academic Article
The rat T-cell surface protein RT6 is associated with src family tyrosine kinases and generates an activation signal.
Academic Article
The BB/Wor rat and the balance hypothesis of autoimmunity.
Academic Article
Abnormalities in the export and fate of recent thymic emigrants in diabetes-prone BB/W rats.
Academic Article
Regulation of human cell engraftment and development of EBV-related lymphoproliferative disorders in Hu-PBL-scid mice.
Academic Article
Viral infection abrogates CD8(+) T-cell deletion induced by costimulation blockade.
Academic Article
Characterization of mouse Rt6.1 NAD:arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase.
Academic Article
Thymic expression of insulin-related genes in an animal model of autoimmune type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article
Thymic involution in viable motheaten (me(v)) mice is associated with a loss of intrathymic precursor activity.
Academic Article
Variables to predict engraftment of umbilical cord blood into immunodeficient mice: usefulness of the non-obese diabetic--severe combined immunodeficient assay.
Academic Article
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and its metabolites inhibit T lymphocyte proliferation: role of cell surface NAD glycohydrolase and pyrophosphatase activities.
Academic Article
Mouse RT6 locus 1 and rat RT6.2 are NAD+. Arginine ADP-ribosyltransferases with auto-ADP-ribosylation activity.
Academic Article
Dietary cow's milk protein does not alter the frequency of diabetes in the BB rat.
Academic Article
Prolonged survival of mouse skin allografts in recipients treated with donor splenocytes and antibody to CD40 ligand.
Academic Article
Expression in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice of Rt6-1 and Rt6-2 ADP-ribosyltransferases that differ in enzymatic activity: C57BL/6 Rt6-1 is a natural transferase knockout.
Academic Article
Blockade of CD40-CD154 interferes with human T cell engraftment in scid mice.
Academic Article
Long-term survival of skin allografts induced by donor splenocytes and anti-CD154 antibody in thymectomized mice requires CD4(+) T cells, interferon-gamma, and CTLA4.
Academic Article
Altered expression of diabetes in BB/Wor rats by exposure to viral pathogens.
Academic Article
Characterization of high density lipoprotein-bound and soluble RT6 released following administration of anti-RT6.1 monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article
Prolonged survival of rat islet and skin xenografts in mice treated with donor splenocytes and anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article
Improved skin allograft tolerance induced by treatment with donor splenocytes and an extended course of anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article
NOD congenic mice genetically protected from autoimmune diabetes remain resistant to transplantation tolerance induction.
Academic Article
Blockade of CD40-mediated signaling is sufficient for inducing islet but not skin transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article
Direct visualization of cross-reactive effector and memory allo-specific CD8 T cells generated in response to viral infections.
Academic Article
Induction of tolerance for islet transplantation for type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article
Islet cells but not thyrocytes are susceptible to lysis by NK cells.
Academic Article
Ian4 is required for mitochondrial integrity and T cell survival.
Academic Article
Non-major histocompatibility complex-linked diabetes susceptibility loci on chromosomes 4 and 13 in a backcross of the DP-BB/Wor rat to the WF rat.
Academic Article
Induction of immunologic tolerance for transplantation.
Academic Article
Mechanisms of allograft prolongation in RT6 T cell-depleted rats.
Academic Article
Genetic separation of the transplantation tolerance and autoimmune phenotypes in NOD mice.
Academic Article
Islet cell autoimmunity and transplantation tolerance: two distinct mechanisms?
Academic Article
Comparative mapping of rat Iddm4 to segments on HSA7 and MMU6.
Academic Article
CTLA4 signals are required to optimally induce allograft tolerance with combined donor-specific transfusion and anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody treatment.
Academic Article
Intravital dye-labeled diabetogenic rat T cells retain dye, home to the pancreas, and induce diabetes.
Academic Article
The RT6 (Art2) family of ADP-ribosyltransferases in rat and mouse.
Academic Article
A new isolation method for rat intraepithelial lymphocytes.
Academic Article
Islet allograft survival induced by costimulation blockade in NOD mice is controlled by allelic variants of Idd3.
Academic Article
Regulation of skin and islet allograft survival in mice treated with costimulation blockade is mediated by different CD4+ cell subsets and different mechanisms.
Academic Article
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus hypothesis of autoimmunity.
Academic Article
Early growth response gene-2, a zinc-finger transcription factor, is required for full induction of clonal anergy in CD4+ T cells.
Academic Article
Evaluation of donor-specific transfusion sources: unique failure of bone marrow cells to induce prolonged skin allograft survival with anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article
TLR activation synergizes with Kilham rat virus infection to induce diabetes in BBDR rats.
Academic Article
The rat diabetes susceptibility locus Iddm4 and at least one additional gene are required for autoimmune diabetes induced by viral infection.
Academic Article
Autoimmune destruction of islets transplanted into RT6-depleted diabetes-resistant BB/Wor rats.
Academic Article
Disruption of the Jnk2 (Mapk9) gene reduces destructive insulitis and diabetes in a mouse model of type I diabetes.
Academic Article
Diabetes prone BB rats are severely deficient in natural killer T cells.
Academic Article
Reduction of the RT6.2+ subset of T lymphocytes in brown Norway rats with mercury-induced renal autoimmunity.
Academic Article
NOD/LtSz-Rag1null mice: an immunodeficient and radioresistant model for engraftment of human hematolymphoid cells, HIV infection, and adoptive transfer of NOD mouse diabetogenic T cells.
Academic Article
Experimental autoallergic sialadenitis in the LEW rat. I. Parameters of disease induction.
Academic Article
Allogeneic hematopoietic chimerism in mice treated with sublethal myeloablation and anti-CD154 antibody: absence of graft-versus-host disease, induction of skin allograft tolerance, and prevention of recurrent autoimmunity in islet-allografted NOD/Lt mice.
Academic Article
Costimulation and autoimmune diabetes in BB rats.
Academic Article
Effect of ex vivo cytokine treatment on human cord blood engraftment in NOD-scid mice.
Academic Article
beta2 microglobulin-deficient (B2m(null)) NOD/SCID mice are excellent recipients for studying human stem cell function.
Academic Article
Evidence for elevated prothymocyte activity in the bone marrow of New Zealand Black (NZB) mice. Elevated prothymocyte activity in NZB mice.
Academic Article
Rat xenograft survival in mice treated with donor-specific transfusion and anti-CD154 antibody is enhanced by elimination of host CD4+ cells.
Academic Article
Costimulatory blockade induces hyporesponsiveness in T cells that recognize alloantigen via indirect antigen presentation.
Academic Article
Partial versus full allogeneic hemopoietic chimerization is a preferential means to inhibit type 1 diabetes as the latter induces generalized immunosuppression.
Academic Article
TLR9-signaling pathways are involved in Kilham rat virus-induced autoimmune diabetes in the biobreeding diabetes-resistant rat.
Academic Article
Humanized NOD/LtSz-scid IL2 receptor common gamma chain knockout mice in diabetes research.
Academic Article
Fetal thymi from diabetes-prone but not diabetes-resistant BB/Wor rats fail to generate mature ART2+ T-cells in organ culture.
Academic Article
Intrinsic cytotoxicity of natural killer cells to pancreatic islets in vitro.
Academic Article
BB rat thymocytes cultured in the presence of islets lose their ability to transfer autoimmune diabetes.
Academic Article
Different mechanisms control peripheral and central tolerance in hematopoietic chimeric mice.
Academic Article
Tuberculosis susceptibility of diabetic mice.
Academic Article
A novel alloantigen-specific CD8+PD1+ regulatory T cell induced by ICOS-B7h blockade in vivo.
Academic Article
Type 1 IFN mediates cross-talk between innate and adaptive immunity that abrogates transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article
Translating data from animal models into methods for preventing human autoimmune diabetes mellitus: caveat emptor and primum non nocere.
Academic Article
Creation of "humanized" mice to study human immunity.
Academic Article
Non-obese diabetic-recombination activating gene-1 (NOD-Rag1 null) interleukin (IL)-2 receptor common gamma chain (IL2r gamma null) null mice: a radioresistant model for human lymphohaematopoietic engraftment.
Academic Article
Idd loci synergize to prolong islet allograft survival induced by costimulation blockade in NOD mice.
Academic Article
Closing the circle between the bedside and the bench: Toll-like receptors in models of virally induced diabetes.
Academic Article
TLR agonists abrogate co-stimulation blockade-induced mixed chimerism and transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article
An atypical population of NK cells that spontaneously secrete IFN-gamma and IL-4 is present in the intraepithelial lymphoid compartment of the rat.
Academic Article
Depletion of the programmed death-1 receptor completely reverses established clonal anergy in CD4(+) T lymphocytes via an interleukin-2-dependent mechanism.
Academic Article
Human peripheral blood leucocyte non-obese diabetic-severe combined immunodeficiency interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain gene mouse model of xenogeneic graft-versus-host-like disease and the role of host major histocompatibility complex.
Academic Article
Virus-induced autoimmune diabetes in the LEW.1WR1 rat requires Iddm14 and a genetic locus proximal to the major histocompatibility complex.
Academic Article
Levels of Art2+ cells but not soluble Art2 protein correlate with expression of autoimmune diabetes in the BB rat.
Academic Article
Infection with viruses from several families triggers autoimmune diabetes in LEW*1WR1 rats: prevention of diabetes by maternal immunization.
Academic Article
Dengue virus infection and virus-specific HLA-A2 restricted immune responses in humanized NOD-scid IL2rgammanull mice.
Academic Article
AATF mediates an antiapoptotic effect of the unfolded protein response through transcriptional regulation of AKT1.
Academic Article
Skin allograft maintenance in a new synchimeric model system of tolerance.
Academic Article
Effects of irradiation on diabetes in the BB/Wor rat.
Academic Article
Parameters for establishing humanized mouse models to study human immunity: analysis of human hematopoietic stem cell engraftment in three immunodeficient strains of mice bearing the IL2rgamma(null) mutation.
Academic Article
Humanized mouse models to study human diseases.
Academic Article
Islet cell transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article
T cell developmental defects in 'viable motheaten' mice deficient in SHP-1 protein-tyrosine phosphatase. Developmental defects are corrected in vitro in the presence of normal hematopoietic-origin stromal cells and in vivo by exogenous IL-7.
Academic Article
Cardioprotection with postconditioning: loss of efficacy in murine models of type-2 and type-1 diabetes.
Academic Article
Allografts stimulate cross-reactive virus-specific memory CD8 T cells with private specificity.
Academic Article
Defects in the thymic epithelial stroma of diabetes prone BB rats.
Academic Article
Prevention of "Humanized" diabetogenic CD8 T-cell responses in HLA-transgenic NOD mice by a multipeptide coupled-cell approach.
Academic Article
Rapid recruitment and activation of macrophages by anti-Gal/a-Gal liposome interaction accelerates wound healing.
Academic Article
Human islet cell MORF/cMORF pretargeting in a xenogeneic murine transplant model.
Academic Article
The pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes mellitus.
Academic Article
Isolation of mouse pancreatic alpha, beta, duct and acinar populations with cell surface markers.
Academic Article
Imaging the pancreatic vasculature in diabetes models.
Academic Article
Engraftment of human HSCs in nonirradiated newborn NOD-scid IL2r? null mice is enhanced by transgenic expression of membrane-bound human SCF.
Academic Article
Pretargeting vs. direct targeting of human betalox5 islet cells subcutaneously implanted in mice using an anti-human islet cell antibody.
Academic Article
Prevention of type 1 diabetes in the rat with an allele-specific anti-T-cell receptor antibody: V?13 as a therapeutic target and biomarker.
Academic Article
Enhanced humoral and HLA-A2-restricted dengue virus-specific T-cell responses in humanized BLT NSG mice.
Academic Article
JNK and PTEN cooperatively control the development of invasive adenocarcinoma of the prostate.
Academic Article
Thioredoxin-interacting protein mediates ER stress-induced ? cell death through initiation of the inflammasome.
Academic Article
Viral abrogation of stem cell transplantation tolerance causes graft rejection and host death by different mechanisms.
Academic Article
T-lymphocyte requirement for diabetes in RT6-depleted diabetes-resistant BB rats.
Academic Article
A420983, a novel, small molecule inhibitor of LCK prevents allograft rejection.
Academic Article
Humanized mice for immune system investigation: progress, promise and challenges.
Academic Article
The iddm4 locus segregates with diabetes susceptibility in congenic WF.iddm4 rats.
Academic Article
Survival of Onchocerca volvulus in nodules implanted in immunodeficient rodents.
Academic Article
GLI1 regulates a novel neuropilin-2/a6?1 integrin based autocrine pathway that contributes to breast cancer initiation.
Academic Article
Type 1 cytokines polarize thymocytes during T cell development in adult thymus organ cultures.
Academic Article
Durable knockdown and protection from HIV transmission in humanized mice treated with gel-formulated CD4 aptamer-siRNA chimeras.
Academic Article
Infections that induce autoimmune diabetes in BBDR rats modulate CD4+CD25+ T cell populations.
Academic Article
Absence of RT6+ T cells in diabetes-prone biobreeding/Worcester rats is due to genetic and cell developmental defects.
Academic Article
Absence of the RT-6 T cell subset in diabetes-prone BB/W rats.
Academic Article
Characterization of RT6 bearing rat lymphocytes. I. Ontogeny of the RT6+ subset.
Academic Article
Prothymocyte development in diabetes-prone BB rats: description of a defect that predisposes to immune abnormalities.
Academic Article
Animal models of Sj?gren's syndrome.
Academic Article
Studies of thymocytopoiesis in rats and mice. I. Kinetics of appearance of thymocytes using a direct intrathymic adoptive transfer assay for thymocyte precursors.
Academic Article
Defective lymphopoiesis in bone marrow of motheaten (me/me) and viable motheaten (mev/mev) mutant mice. I. Analysis of development of prothymocytes, early B lineage cells, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-positive cells.
Academic Article
Characterization of rat prothymocyte with monoclonal antibodies recognizing rat lymphocyte membrane antigenic determinants.
Academic Article
Defective lymphopoiesis in the bone marrow of motheaten (me/me) and viable motheaten (mev/mev) mutant mice. II. Description of a microenvironmental defect for the generation of terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-positive bone marrow cells in vitro.
Academic Article
Genetic disassociation of autoimmunity and resistance to costimulation blockade-induced transplantation tolerance in nonobese diabetic mice.
Academic Article
Regulation of human short-term repopulating cell (STRC) engraftment in NOD/SCID mice by host CD122+ cells.
Academic Article
Spleen cell transfusion in the Bio-Breeding/Worcester rat. Prevention of diabetes, major histocompatibility complex restriction, and long-term persistence of transfused cells.
Academic Article
Hematopoietic chimerism and central tolerance created by peripheral-tolerance induction without myeloablative conditioning.
Academic Article
Characterization of RT6-bearing rat lymphocytes. II. Developmental relationships of RT6- and RT6+ T cells.
Academic Article
Experimental autoallergic sialadenitis in the LEW rat. III. Role of CD4+ T cells in EAS induction.
Academic Article
Alloimmune injury and rejection of human skin grafts on human peripheral blood lymphocyte-reconstituted non-obese diabetic severe combined immunodeficient beta2-microglobulin-null mice.
Academic Article
NOD/LtSz-Rag1nullPfpnull mice: a new model system with increased levels of human peripheral leukocyte and hematopoietic stem-cell engraftment.
Academic Article
Lack of graft-versus-host-like pathology in mercury-induced autoimmunity of Brown Norway rats.
Academic Article
Identification of thymocyte progenitors in hemopoietic tissues of the rat. II. Enrichment of functional prothymocytes on the fluorescence-activated cell sorter.
Academic Article
A quantitative assay system for thymocyte regeneration in the rat.
Academic Article
Characterization of monoclonal antibodies that define rat T cell alloantigens.
Academic Article
Maturation of functional T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the rat.
Academic Article
Growth and reproduction complex in the rat. Genes linked to the major histocompatibility complex that affect development.
Academic Article
Insulin treatment prevents diabetes mellitus but not thyroiditis in RT6-depleted diabetes resistant BB/Wor rats.
Academic Article
Recapitulation of normal and abnormal BB rat immune system development in scid mouse/rat lymphohemopoietic chimeras.
Academic Article
High levels of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell engraftment and enhanced susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in NOD/LtSz-scid/scid mice.
Academic Article
Emv30null NOD-scid mice. An improved host for adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes and growth of human lymphohematopoietic cells.
Academic Article
Maternal influence on susceptibility of offspring to Brugia malayi infection in a murine model of filariasis.
Academic Article
Adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes mellitus to athymic rats: synergy of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and prevention by RT6+ T cells.
Academic Article
CD4+ T-lymphocytes are not required for murine resistance to the human filarial parasite, Brugia malayi.
Academic Article
Multiple defects in innate and adaptive immunologic function in NOD/LtSz-scid mice.
Academic Article
Role of RT6+ T lymphocytes in mercury-induced renal autoimmunity: experimental manipulations of "susceptible" and "resistant" rats.
Academic Article
Influence of gonadal steroids on susceptibility to Brugia malayi in scid mice.
Academic Article
Relative susceptibility of SJL/J and B10.S mice to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is determined by the ability of prethymic cells in bone marrow to develop into EAE effector T cells.
Academic Article
Evidence that intrathymic islet transplantation does not prevent diabetes or subsequent islet graft destruction in RT6-depleted, diabetes-resistant BioBreeding/Worcester rats.
Academic Article
Rat stem-cell factor induces splenocytes capable of regenerating the thymus.
Academic Article
Deficiencies in gut NK cell number and function precede diabetes onset in BB rats.
Academic Article
Prolonged survival of neonatal porcine islet xenografts in mice treated with a donor-specific transfusion and anti-CD154 antibody.
Academic Article
Rat models of type 1 diabetes: genetics, environment, and autoimmunity.
Academic Article
Rejection of human islets and human HLA-A2.1 transgenic mouse islets by alloreactive human lymphocytes in immunodeficient NOD-scid and NOD-Rag1(null)Prf1(null) mice.
Academic Article
Autoimmune diabetes and resistance to xenograft transplantation tolerance in NOD mice.
Academic Article
Human lymphoid and myeloid cell development in NOD/LtSz-scid IL2R gamma null mice engrafted with mobilized human hemopoietic stem cells.
Academic Article
The immunodeficient scid mouse as a model for human lymphatic filariasis.
Academic Article
LEW.1WR1 rats develop autoimmune diabetes spontaneously and in response to environmental perturbation.
Academic Article
Experimental autoallergic sialadenitis in the LEW rat. II. Target antigens are associated with cell surface and intracellular particulate fractions derived from the submandibular gland.
Academic Article
TLR agonists abrogate costimulation blockade-induced prolongation of skin allografts.
Academic Article
Anti-mouse CD154 antibody treatment facilitates generation of mixed xenogeneic rat hematopoietic chimerism, prevents wasting disease and prolongs xenograft survival in mice.
Academic Article
ART2, a T cell surface mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase, generates extracellular poly(ADP-ribose).
Academic Article
Rapid quantification of naive alloreactive T cells by TNF-alpha production and correlation with allograft rejection in mice.
Academic Article
A regulatory CD4+ T cell subset in the BB rat model of autoimmune diabetes expresses neither CD25 nor Foxp3.
Academic Article
Humanized mice in translational biomedical research.
Academic Article
Development of new-generation HU-PBMC-NOD/SCID mice to study human islet alloreactivity.
Academic Article
Refinement of the Iddm4 diabetes susceptibility locus reveals TCRVbeta4 as a candidate gene.
Academic Article
Biochemical studies of RT6 alloantigens in BB/Wor and normal rats. Evidence for intact unexpressed RT6a structural gene in diabetes-prone BB rats.
Academic Article
Adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes and thyroiditis to athymic rats.
Academic Article
Determinants of memory in experimental filarial infections in mice.
Academic Article
A new Hu-PBL model for the study of human islet alloreactivity based on NOD-scid mice bearing a targeted mutation in the IL-2 receptor gamma chain gene.
Academic Article
Prevention of diabetes in the BB rat by essential fatty acid deficiency. Relationship between physiological and biochemical changes.
Academic Article
Protein kinase C signaling during T cell activation induces the endoplasmic reticulum stress response.
Academic Article
Humanized SCID mouse models for biomedical research.
Academic Article
A new immunodeficient hyperglycaemic mouse model based on the Ins2Akita mutation for analyses of human islet and beta stem and progenitor cell function.
Academic Article
Expanded CD34+ human umbilical cord blood cells generate multiple lymphohematopoietic lineages in NOD-scid IL2rgamma(null) mice.
Academic Article
T cell-specific siRNA delivery suppresses HIV-1 infection in humanized mice.
Academic Article
Human BLyS facilitates engraftment of human PBL derived B cells in immunodeficient mice.
Academic Article
Viral infection: a potent barrier to transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article
Humanized mice for the study of type 1 diabetes and beta cell function.
Academic Article
Role of innate immunity in transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article
Analysis of the rat Iddm14 diabetes susceptibility locus in multiple rat strains: identification of a susceptibility haplotype in the Tcrb-V locus.
Academic Article
T cell lines derived from the spinal cords of mice with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis are self reactive.
Academic Article
TLR agonists prevent the establishment of allogeneic hematopoietic chimerism in mice treated with costimulation blockade.
Academic Article
Failure of alpha-galactosylceramide to prevent diabetes in virus-inducible models of type 1 diabetes in the rat.
Academic Article
CHOP mediates endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in Gimap5-deficient T cells.
Academic Article
Development of novel major histocompatibility complex class I and class II-deficient NOD-SCID IL2R gamma chain knockout mice for modeling human xenogeneic graft-versus-host disease.
Academic Article
Targeted delivery of small interfering RNA to human dendritic cells to suppress dengue virus infection and associated proinflammatory cytokine production.
Academic Article
NOD-scid IL2rgamma(null) mouse model of human skin transplantation and allograft rejection.
Academic Article
Preparation of (111)In-DTPA morpholino oligomer for low abdominal accumulation.
Academic Article
Human immune system development and rejection of human islet allografts in spontaneously diabetic NOD-Rag1null IL2rgammanull Ins2Akita mice.
Academic Article
A novel role for the centrosomal protein, pericentrin, in regulation of insulin secretory vesicle docking in mouse pancreatic beta-cells.
Academic Article
Leptin treatment confers clinical benefit at multiple stages of virally induced type 1 diabetes in BB rats.
Academic Article
Humanized nonobese diabetic-scid IL2rgammanull mice are susceptible to lethal Salmonella Typhi infection.
Academic Article
Dynamic glucoregulation and mammalian-like responses to metabolic and developmental disruption in zebrafish.
Academic Article
Haptoglobin as an early serum biomarker of virus-induced autoimmune type 1 diabetes in biobreeding diabetes resistant and LEW1.WR1 rats.
Academic Article
Prevention of diabetes in BB/Wor rat by single transfusion of spleen cells. Parameters that affect degree of protection.
Academic Article
Maturation-dependent licensing of naive T cells for rapid TNF production.
Academic Article
Depletion of RT6+ T lymphocytes prolongs skin allograft in rats.
Academic Article
Unexpected side products in the conjugation of an amine-derivatized morpholino oligomer with p-isothiocyanate benzyl DTPA and their removal.
Academic Article
The role of JNK in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Academic Article
Hyperglycemia-induced proliferation of adult human beta cells engrafted into spontaneously diabetic immunodeficient NOD-Rag1null IL2r?null Ins2Akita mice.
Academic Article
Targeted disruption of the CCR5 gene in human hematopoietic stem cells stimulated by peptide nucleic acids.
Academic Article
T-cell activation and transplantation tolerance.
Academic Article
Humanized mice as a preclinical tool for infectious disease and biomedical research.
Academic Article
Humanized mice for the study of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article
Investigations of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the rat using alloantigenic markers.
Academic Article
Advancing animal models of human type 1 diabetes by engraftment of functional human tissues in immunodeficient mice.
Academic Article
Systemic delivery of triplex-forming PNA and donor DNA by nanoparticles mediates site-specific genome editing of human hematopoietic cells in vivo.
Academic Article
Islet-specific CTL cloned from a type 1 diabetes patient cause beta-cell destruction after engraftment into HLA-A2 transgenic NOD/scid/IL2RG null mice.
Academic Article
Alloreactive CD8 T cells rescued from apoptosis during co-stimulation blockade by Toll-like receptor stimulation remain susceptible to Fas-induced cell death.
Academic Article
Transfusions enriched for W3/25+ helper/inducer T lymphocytes prevent spontaneous diabetes in the BB/W rat.
Academic Article
Monoclonal antibodies to RT7 and LCA antigens in the rat: cell distribution and segregation analysis.
Academic Article
Generation of islet-like cells from mouse gall bladder by direct ex vivo reprogramming.
Academic Article
Humanized mice for the study of infectious diseases.
Academic Article
Monoclonal antibody analysis of Listeria monocytogenes-induced cytotoxic lymphocytes.
Academic Article
Regulatory T cell control of autoimmune destruction of beta cells in the BB rat.
Academic Article
Rat immunoglobulin genes have comparable patterns of JH rearrangement in normal peripheral B cells and in pre-B and cultured TdT+ cells from bone marrow.
Academic Article
Role of host immune system in BB/Wor rat. Predisposition to diabetes resides in bone marrow.
Academic Article
Depletion of RT6.1+ T lymphocytes induces diabetes in resistant biobreeding/Worcester (BB/W) rats.
Academic Article
Defective lymphopoiesis in the bone marrow of motheaten (me/me) and viable motheaten (mev/mev) mutant mice. III. Normal mouse bone marrow cells enable mev/mev prothymocytes to generate thymocytes after intravenous transfer.
Academic Article
Developmental abnormalities of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase positive bone marrow cells and thymocytes in New Zealand mice: effects of prostaglandin E1.
Academic Article
Phenotypic heterogeneity of Gross virus-induced thymic lymphomas in the rat: cellular origins and migratory properties.
Academic Article
Identification of thymocyte progenitors in hemopoietic tissues of the rat. I. A quantitative assay system for thymocyte regeneration.
Academic Article
Genetic linkage and cell distribution analysis of T cell alloantigens in the rat.
Academic Article
Survival of mouse pancreatic islet allografts in recipients treated with allogeneic small lymphocytes and antibody to CD40 ligand.
Academic Article
DR-BB rat thymus contains thymocyte populations predisposed to autoreactivity.
Academic Article
Improved engraftment of human spleen cells in NOD/LtSz-scid/scid mice as compared with C.B-17-scid/scid mice.
Academic Article
B lymphocytes are not required for murine resistance to the human filarial parasite, Brugia malayi.
Academic Article
A selective culture system for generating terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-positive lymphoid precursor cells in vitro. IV. Properties and developmental relationships of the lymphoid cells in the adherent and nonadherent compartments of the culture.
Academic Article
Thymic epithelial defects and predisposition to autoimmune disease in BB rats.
Academic Article
Human autoimmune diabetes mellitus: lessons from BB rats and NOD mice--Caveat emptor.
Academic Article
Localization of prothymocytes from wild-type and viable motheaten mice following intravenous injection into irradiated adoptive recipients.
Academic Article
Mercury-induced renal autoimmunity in BN-->LEW.1N chimeric rats.
Academic Article
The RT6 rat lymphocyte alloantigen circulates in soluble form.
Academic Article
Multiple low-dose streptozocin-induced diabetes in NOD-scid/scid mice in the absence of functional lymphocytes.
Academic Article
Major histocompatibility complex class I-deficient NOD-B2mnull mice are diabetes and insulitis resistant.
Academic Article
Mercury-induced renal autoimmunity: changes in RT6+ T-lymphocytes of susceptible and resistant rats.
Academic Article
High stimulatory activity of dendritic cells from diabetes-prone BioBreeding/Worcester rats exposed to macrophage-derived factors.
Disease Models, Animal
Animals, Newborn
Animals, Genetically Modified
Models, Animal
Academic Article
Salicylate prevents virus-induced type 1 diabetes in the BBDR rat.
Academic Article
Overcoming current limitations in humanized mouse research.
Academic Article
Comparison between two labeled agents in mice using a coinjection-ratio approach in contrast to a conventional group approach.
Academic Article
CD28 and ITK signals regulate autoreactive T cell trafficking.
Academic Article
Engrafted human cells generate adaptive immune responses to Mycobacterium bovis BCG infection in humanized mice.
Academic Article
c-Myc inhibition prevents leukemia initiation in mice and impairs the growth of relapsed and induction failure pediatric T-ALL cells.
Academic Article
An epigenetic mechanism of resistance to targeted therapy in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Academic Article
Blockade of the programmed death-1 (PD1) pathway undermines potent genetic protection from type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article
NOD-scidIl2rg (tm1Wjl) and NOD-Rag1 (null) Il2rg (tm1Wjl) : a model for stromal cell-tumor cell interaction for human colon cancer.
Academic Article
Subcapsular transplantation of tissue in the kidney.
Academic Article
Human cancer growth and therapy in immunodeficient mouse models.
Academic Article
Viral infection of engrafted human islets leads to diabetes.
Academic Article
Generation of improved humanized mouse models for human infectious diseases.
Academic Article
GABA promotes human ?-cell proliferation and modulates glucose homeostasis.
Academic Article
Inhibition of bromodomain proteins for the treatment of human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Academic Article
Generation of functional human pancreatic ? cells in vitro.
Academic Article
Dengue virus infection induces broadly cross-reactive human IgM antibodies that recognize intact virions in humanized BLT-NSG mice.
Academic Article
Generation of ? cell-specific human cytotoxic T cells by lentiviral transduction and their survival in immunodeficient human leucocyte antigen-transgenic mice.
Academic Article
Extensive double humanization of both liver and hematopoiesis in FRGN mice.
Academic Article
Efficient generation of NKX6-1+ pancreatic progenitors from multiple human pluripotent stem cell lines.
Academic Article
Size- and shape-dependent foreign body immune response to materials implanted in rodents and non-human primates.
Academic Article
Quantitative Correlation of in Vivo Properties with in Vitro Assay Results: The in Vitro Binding of a Biotin-DNA Analogue Modifier with Streptavidin Predicts the in Vivo Avidin-Induced Clearability of the Analogue-Modified Antibody.
Academic Article
The Presence and Preferential Activation of Regulatory T Cells Diminish Adoptive Transfer of Autoimmune Diabetes by Polyclonal Nonobese Diabetic (NOD) T Cell Effectors into NSG versus NOD-scid Mice.
Academic Article
Neutrophil Responses to Sterile Implant Materials.
Academic Article
Retroviruses use CD169-mediated trans-infection of permissive lymphocytes to establish infection.
Academic Article
Efficient and Targeted Transduction of Nonhuman Primate Liver With Systemically Delivered Optimized AAV3B Vectors.
Academic Article
P-Rex1 Promotes Resistance to VEGF/VEGFR-Targeted Therapy in Prostate Cancer.
Academic Article
Beyond the brain: disrupted in schizophrenia 1 regulates pancreatic ?-cell function via glycogen synthase kinase-3?.
Academic Article
Humanized Mouse Models for Transplant Immunology.
Academic Article
Genetic ablation of lymphocytes and cytokine signaling in nonobese diabetic mice prevents diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance.
Academic Article
Combinatorial hydrogel library enables identification of materials that mitigate the foreign body response in primates.
Academic Article
Long-term glycemic control using polymer-encapsulated human stem cell-derived beta cells in immune-competent mice.
Academic Article
Stress-impaired transcription factor expression and insulin secretion in transplanted human islets.
Academic Article
Generation of Immunodeficient Mice Bearing Human Immune Systems by the Engraftment of Hematopoietic Stem Cells.
Academic Article
Genetically modified human CD4(+) T cells can be evaluated in?vivo without lethal graft-versus-host disease.
Academic Article
A Salmonella nanoparticle mimic overcomes multidrug resistance in tumours.
Academic Article
Frontline Science: Splenic progenitors aid in maintaining high neutrophil numbers at sites of sterile chronic inflammation.
Academic Article
Cell-Extrinsic MHC Class I Molecule Engagement Augments Human NK Cell Education Programmed by Cell-Intrinsic MHC Class I.
Academic Article
Humanized mouse model of mast cell-mediated passive cutaneous anaphylaxis and passive systemic anaphylaxis.
Academic Article
End Sequence Analysis Toolkit (ESAT) expands the extractable information from single-cell RNA-seq data.
Academic Article
Distinct Differences on Neointima Formation in Immunodeficient and Humanized Mice after Carotid or Femoral Arterial Injury.
Academic Article
In vivo correction of anaemia in ?-thalassemic mice by ?PNA-mediated gene editing with nanoparticle delivery.
Academic Article
A novel transgenic mouse model of lysosomal storage disorder.
Academic Article
Humanized Mouse Models of Clinical Disease.
Academic Article
Impaired osteogenesis of T1DM bone marrow-derived stromal cells and periosteum-derived cells and their differential in-vitro responses to growth factor rescue.
Academic Article
Colony stimulating factor-1 receptor is a central component of the foreign body response to biomaterial implants in rodents and non-human?primates.
Academic Article
A novel hemolytic complement-sufficient NSG mouse model supports studies of complement-mediated antitumor activity in vivo.
Academic Article
mRNA-mediated glycoengineering ameliorates deficient homing of human stem cell-derived hematopoietic progenitors.
Academic Article
Possible type 1 diabetes risk prediction: Using ultrasound imaging to assess pancreas inflammation in the inducible autoimmune diabetes BBDR model.
Academic Article
Age-dependent human ? cell proliferation induced by glucagon-like peptide 1 and calcineurin signaling.
Academic Article
a Cell Function and Gene Expression Are Compromised in Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article
Report of the Key Opinion Leaders Meeting on Stem Cell-derived Beta Cells.
Academic Article
Lack of acute xenogeneic graft- versus-host disease, but retention of T-cell function following engraftment of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in NSG mice deficient in MHC class I and II expression.
Academic Article
Humanized mice in studying efficacy and mechanisms of PD-1-targeted cancer immunotherapy.
Academic Article
Ectonucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase-3 Antibody Targets Adult Human Pancreatic ? Cells for In?Vitro and In?Vivo Analysis.
Academic Article
Ectopic high endothelial venules in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A unique site for targeted delivery.
Academic Article
Alloimmune Responses of Humanized Mice to Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapeutics.
Academic Article
Survival Advantage of Both Human Hepatocyte Xenografts and Genome-Edited Hepatocytes for Treatment of a-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.
Academic Article
Human Anti-HIV-1 gp120 Monoclonal Antibodies with Neutralizing Activity Cloned from Humanized Mice Infected with HIV-1.
Academic Article
Humanized mouse models of immunological diseases and precision medicine.
Academic Article
Long-term implant fibrosis prevention in rodents and non-human primates using crystallized drug formulations.
Academic Article
AK002, a Humanized Sialic Acid-Binding Immunoglobulin-Like Lectin-8 Antibody that Induces Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity against Human Eosinophils and Inhibits Mast Cell-Mediated Anaphylaxis in Mice.
Academic Article
Genome-wide Analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi in Humanized Mice Reveals Key Virulence Features.
Academic Article
Recovery of viable endocrine-specific cells and transcriptomes from human pancreatic islet-engrafted mice.
Academic Article
Tacrolimus- and sirolimus-induced human ? cell dysfunction is reversible and preventable.
Academic Article
A retrievable implant for the long-term encapsulation and survival of therapeutic xenogeneic cells.
Academic Article
Dapagliflozin Does Not Directly Affect Human a or ? Cells.
Academic Article
Modeling Type 1 Diabetes In?Vitro Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Academic Article
A rapid, sensitive, and reproducible in vivo PBMC humanized murine model for determining therapeutic-related cytokine release syndrome.
Academic Article
Direct Tumor Killing and Immunotherapy through Anti-SerpinB9 Therapy.
Academic Article
Prostaglandin E2 stimulates cAMP signaling and resensitizes human leukemia cells to glucocorticoid-induced cell death.
Academic Article
A therapeutic convection-enhanced macroencapsulation device for enhancing ? cell viability and insulin secretion.
Academic Article
Modeling human T1D-associated autoimmune processes.
Academic Article
Analysis of Salmonella Typhi Pathogenesis in a Humanized Mouse Model.
Academic Article
An Early Islet Transcriptional Signature Is Associated With Local Inflammation in Autoimmune Diabetes.
Academic Article
Enhanced development of functional human NK cells in NOD-scid-IL2rgnull mice expressing human IL15.
Academic Article
Humanized mouse models for immuno-oncology research.
Academic Article
I-Ag7 ?56/57 polymorphisms regulate non-cognate negative selection to CD4+ T cell orchestrators of type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article
NOD-scid IL2r?null mice lacking TLR4 support human immune system development and the study of human-specific innate immunity.
Academic Article
Simultaneous evaluation of treatment efficacy and toxicity for bispecific T-cell engager therapeutics in a humanized mouse model.
Academic Article
Identification of a humanized mouse model for functional testing of immune-mediated biomaterial foreign body response.
Academic Article
Nuclear factor kappa B-dependent persistence of Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi in human macrophages.
Academic Article
Human insulin as both antigen and protector in type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article
IFN?-IL12 axis regulates intercellular crosstalk in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease.
Academic Article
Interruption of glucagon signaling augments islet non-alpha cell proliferation in SLC7A2- and mTOR-dependent manners.