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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Greiner, Dale

Academic Background

Dale Greiner is currently Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. His research focuses on three areas: transplantation, autoimmunity, and the use of humanized mice to study human diseases and infections. Dr. Greiner graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Science degree and Medical Technology degree in 1974 and with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1978. He did postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Pittsburgh and at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, CT. He was appointed Assistant Professor at UConn in 1983, Associate Professor in 1989, joined the Department of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts as Professor in 1991 and abecame a Professor od Molecular Medicine in 2010. He became Co-Director with Dr. David Harlan of the Diabetes Center of Excellence in 2010 and the Dr. Eileen L. Berman and Stanley I. Berman Foundation Chair in Biomedical Research Professor in 2013.

To date, Dr. Greiner has co-authored more than 300 publications. He has served as a member of the editorial board of Diabetes, and as a regular member of the National Institutes of Health Immunology Sciences Study Section and the Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune, and Immune-mediated Diseases Study Section. He has served as chair of the Veterans Administration Immunology Review Subcommittee B and has served as chair of many ad hoc NIH and JDRF study sections. He has also served as Chair of the Medical Science Review Committee for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, International, Chairman of the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions Committee, Program Chair of the American Diabetes Association Council on Immunology, Immunogenetics and Transplantation, and Council Chair, American Diabetes Association Council on Immunology, Immunogenetics and Transplantation.

Dr. Greiner has received numerous awards for his research, including the A.J. Julian Scholarship for Academic Excellence, the Basil O'Connor Scholar Research Award from the March of Dimes, and the Kayla and Gerald Grodsky and David Rumbough Awards from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Int.   

Transplantation tolerance and autoimmune diabetes

Our major area of investigation is to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). Our approach focuses on two main areas, the understanding of the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes so as to formulate means to prevent or reverse the disease, and the cure of those who are diabetic by induction of transplantation tolerance to islets of Langerhans. Over 25 years ago, we and others accomplished these goals in spontaneously diabetic mouse and rat models of T1D, but these accomplishments have not yet been successfully translated to humans. We believe there are two major obstacles that prevent the achievement of these goals in humans: 1) Lack of understanding of the biology of how human insulin-secreting beta cells die during the development of T1D. 2) Lack of understanding of how a human immune system mediates the destruction of human beta cells in vivo. Our laboratory is focusing on the development of “humanized” mice to study human T1D in collaboration with Dr. Leonard Shultz at The Jackson Laboratory. We have developed unique strains of mice that can be engrafted with functional human cells and tissues, including human islets and human immune systems. We are now using these mice to understand how human beta cells resist killing by a human autoimmune system in vivo, how human beta cells replicate and regenerate in vivo, how human autoreactive cells develop in a human diabetes-susceptible immune system, and how a human immune system targets and kills beta cells in vivo. These approaches are allowing us to understand and dissect mechanisms important in human T1D that cannot be studied directly in humans. Moreover, because these mice readily accept human cells and tissues, we are now using them to study human regenerative medicine, immunity, human-specific infectious agents and cancer. Our studies in humanized mice have the potential to guide human clinical trials by determining the mechanisms by which therapeutic approaches such as those based on the new technology of RNAi can act directly on human immune systems, islets, and cancers in vivo, facilitating the direct translation of these agents into the clinic.

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Item TypeName
Academic Article Cytokine gene expression in islets and thyroids of BB rats. IFN-gamma and IL-12p40 mRNA increase with age in both diabetic and insulin-treated nondiabetic BB rats.
Academic Article Oral insulin does not prevent insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in BB rats.
Academic Article Induction of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in PVG.RT1u rats.
Academic Article The T cell marker RT6 in a rat model of autoimmune diabetes.
Academic Article Effects of HgCl2 on the expression of autoimmune responses and disease in diabetes-prone (DP) BB rats.
Academic Article High frequency apoptosis of recent thymic emigrants in the liver of lymphopenic diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats.
Academic Article Induction of immunological tolerance to islet allografts.
Academic Article Induction of islet transplantation tolerance using donor specific transfusion and anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody.
Academic Article Recapitulation of normal and abnormal BioBreeding rat T cell development in adult thymus organ culture.
Academic Article NOD mice have a generalized defect in their response to transplantation tolerance induction.
Academic Article Diabetes-prone and diabetes-resistant BB rats share a common major diabetes susceptibility locus, iddm4: additional evidence for a "universal autoimmunity locus" on rat chromosome 4.
Academic Article The rat T-cell surface protein RT6 is associated with src family tyrosine kinases and generates an activation signal.
Academic Article The BB/Wor rat and the balance hypothesis of autoimmunity.
Academic Article Abnormalities in the export and fate of recent thymic emigrants in diabetes-prone BB/W rats.
Academic Article Thymic expression of insulin-related genes in an animal model of autoimmune type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Dietary cow's milk protein does not alter the frequency of diabetes in the BB rat.
Academic Article Altered expression of diabetes in BB/Wor rats by exposure to viral pathogens.
Academic Article NOD congenic mice genetically protected from autoimmune diabetes remain resistant to transplantation tolerance induction.
Academic Article Induction of tolerance for islet transplantation for type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Non-major histocompatibility complex-linked diabetes susceptibility loci on chromosomes 4 and 13 in a backcross of the DP-BB/Wor rat to the WF rat.
Academic Article Comparative mapping of rat Iddm4 to segments on HSA7 and MMU6.
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Academic Article The rat diabetes susceptibility locus Iddm4 and at least one additional gene are required for autoimmune diabetes induced by viral infection.
Academic Article Disruption of the Jnk2 (Mapk9) gene reduces destructive insulitis and diabetes in a mouse model of type I diabetes.
Academic Article Diabetes prone BB rats are severely deficient in natural killer T cells.
Academic Article NOD/LtSz-Rag1null mice: an immunodeficient and radioresistant model for engraftment of human hematolymphoid cells, HIV infection, and adoptive transfer of NOD mouse diabetogenic T cells.
Academic Article Costimulation and autoimmune diabetes in BB rats.
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Academic Article TLR9-signaling pathways are involved in Kilham rat virus-induced autoimmune diabetes in the biobreeding diabetes-resistant rat.
Academic Article Fetal thymi from diabetes-prone but not diabetes-resistant BB/Wor rats fail to generate mature ART2+ T-cells in organ culture.
Academic Article BB rat thymocytes cultured in the presence of islets lose their ability to transfer autoimmune diabetes.
Academic Article Translating data from animal models into methods for preventing human autoimmune diabetes mellitus: caveat emptor and primum non nocere.
Academic Article Idd loci synergize to prolong islet allograft survival induced by costimulation blockade in NOD mice.
Academic Article Closing the circle between the bedside and the bench: Toll-like receptors in models of virally induced diabetes.
Academic Article Virus-induced autoimmune diabetes in the LEW.1WR1 rat requires Iddm14 and a genetic locus proximal to the major histocompatibility complex.
Academic Article Levels of Art2+ cells but not soluble Art2 protein correlate with expression of autoimmune diabetes in the BB rat.
Academic Article Infection with viruses from several families triggers autoimmune diabetes in LEW*1WR1 rats: prevention of diabetes by maternal immunization.
Academic Article Cardioprotection with postconditioning: loss of efficacy in murine models of type-2 and type-1 diabetes.
Academic Article Defects in the thymic epithelial stroma of diabetes prone BB rats.
Academic Article Prevention of "Humanized" diabetogenic CD8 T-cell responses in HLA-transgenic NOD mice by a multipeptide coupled-cell approach.
Academic Article The pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes mellitus.
Academic Article Prevention of type 1 diabetes in the rat with an allele-specific anti-T-cell receptor antibody: V?13 as a therapeutic target and biomarker.
Academic Article T-lymphocyte requirement for diabetes in RT6-depleted diabetes-resistant BB rats.
Academic Article The iddm4 locus segregates with diabetes susceptibility in congenic WF.iddm4 rats.
Academic Article Infections that induce autoimmune diabetes in BBDR rats modulate CD4+CD25+ T cell populations.
Academic Article Absence of the RT-6 T cell subset in diabetes-prone BB/W rats.
Academic Article Genetic disassociation of autoimmunity and resistance to costimulation blockade-induced transplantation tolerance in nonobese diabetic mice.
Academic Article Insulin treatment prevents diabetes mellitus but not thyroiditis in RT6-depleted diabetes resistant BB/Wor rats.
Academic Article Emv30null NOD-scid mice. An improved host for adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes and growth of human lymphohematopoietic cells.
Academic Article Adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes mellitus to athymic rats: synergy of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and prevention by RT6+ T cells.
Academic Article Multiple defects in innate and adaptive immunologic function in NOD/LtSz-scid mice.
Academic Article Evidence that intrathymic islet transplantation does not prevent diabetes or subsequent islet graft destruction in RT6-depleted, diabetes-resistant BioBreeding/Worcester rats.
Academic Article Deficiencies in gut NK cell number and function precede diabetes onset in BB rats.
Academic Article Prolonged survival of neonatal porcine islet xenografts in mice treated with a donor-specific transfusion and anti-CD154 antibody.
Academic Article Rat models of type 1 diabetes: genetics, environment, and autoimmunity.
Academic Article Autoimmune diabetes and resistance to xenograft transplantation tolerance in NOD mice.
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Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
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Search Criteria
  • Diabetes Mellitus Type 1