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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Olendzki, Barbara

Research Interests

  • Effect of diet and other lifestyle factors on obesity, diabetes, and heart disease
  • The IBD-AID: Anti-inflammatory Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Improving methods of dietary assessment in epidemiological studies

Sample of Research Studies

Principal Investigator

IRG 93-033, American Cancer Society. 4/07-9/08

Finding a simple message to improve dietary quality for cancer and heart disease prevention, “Can Do Study” (Cancer Dietary Objectives Study).This is a three-arm, randomized, controlled pilot study to test whether a single dietary recommendation in comparison with a more complex message (either low saturated fat, or high fiber, or combination) may have a synergistic beneficial effect on other areas of diet.


4/09-4/2014 1R01HL094575-01A1, NIH, NHLBI (PI: Y. Ma, PhD)
“A simple dietary message to improve dietary quality for metabolic syndrome” In a randomized clinical trial, we will compare the efficacy of two intervention approaches to dietary change for CHD prevention among persons with metabolic syndrome. Currently in analysis.

2011-2013 CCTS, UMass Medical School (Moore-Simas, Rosal Co-PI). Dietary Composition in pregnancy contributing to retention of weight gain. (Pea-Pods

2011 –2013 1R21HL110208, NIH (Pbert)
“School Nurse Intervention and After School Exercise Program for Overweight Teens”
A School Nurse-Delivered Intervention for Overweight and At Risk Adolescents. The purpose of this study is to adapt a theory-based school nurse-delivered intervention and test potential efficacy in reducing BMI, improving diet, increasing physical activity and decreasing sedentary behavior.

5/12-8/13 WHI New England Regional Center (NE-RC) REACH WHI Feasibility Study. (Li, Wenjun). Project Aims: To initiate the development of the self-administered instrument for surveying older women’s food purchasing habits, eating inside and outside the home with respect to frequencies, store type, restaurant type, geographic locations, and modes of transportation. To initiate the development of the administered instrument for surveying older women’s exercise and sedentary behaviors with respect to geographic location, timing, frequency and type/intensity, To initiate the development of the self-administered instrument for assessing participant perceptions of the nutrition and physical activity environment in their neighborhoods.

03/12-09/13 Contract INTF2900HH2706811076 (Li)
CDC/Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Evaluation of Mass in Motion and CTG Programs. This project provides statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of Mass in Motion and CTG programs managed by Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

06/12-9/12 HHSN268201100001C (Wactawski-Wende, Li)
NHLBI/ University at Buffalo The Women's Health Initiative Regional Field Center Program / WHI REACH Pilot Project: This pilot project develops and tests new instruments for surveying food purchasing and exercise behaviors among older women. The instruments will be used in a larger study ancillary to WHI. Role: Co-I (In kind)

08/12-07/13 LSMF (Li) UMCCTS (NIH U54 CTSA)
Residential Environment And Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors (REACH) Pilot Study. This pilot project develops and tests new instruments for surveying food purchasing behaviors and use of exercise places among older women. The study will test a battery of dietary and physical activity instruments among 100 community-dwelling older women.

Search Criteria
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases