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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Han, Gang
Post Docs

Positions for  postdoctoral fellows are available in the laboratory of Dr. Gang Han at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology of The University of Massachusetts- Medical School.

Research will focus on developing   novel small molecule/ nanoparticle approaches for translational biomedical sciences and molecular imaging.

Qualifications: Candidates have a Ph.D degree in (1)Organic Chemistry/polymer synthesis , (2) Molecular cell biology , (3) Biophysics or (4) Biochemistry. A solid training and substantial organic synthesis, animal experiments,  spectroscopy and  microscopy are desired.  Candidates need to have strong work ethic, creativity, and enthusiasm with proven ability to work independently and collaboratively.

To apply: Applicants should submit their CV including a full publication list and sources of three reference letters by email to gang.han@umassmed.edu

Search Criteria
  • Creativity