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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Clark, Brian

ResearchBrian Clark

  • Clark BM and Johnson JV. "Effects of Post-MenopausalHormone Replacement Therapy on Uterine Leiomyoma Growth Measured by Ultrasound." In preparation for publication.
  • Clark BM, Johnson JV and Osol G. "The Effects of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene on Vascular Reactivity in a Pressurized Vascular Segment Model." Submitted for publication.
  • Clark BM, Storment JM, Sites CK and Tischler MD. "The Effect of Hormone Replacement on Cardiovascular Hemodynamics and Blood Volume in Postmenopausal Women." Closed, analysis ongoing.
  • Clark BM, Storment JM, Sites CK and Tischler MD. "The Effect of Hormone Replacement on Cardiovascular Hemodynamics and
    their Relationship to Cytokines in Postmenopausal Women." B. Clark
    Closed, analysis ongoing.
  • Clark BM, Storment JM, Tischler M, O'Connell M and Sites CK.
    "The Effect of Recent HormoneReplacement Use on Cardiovascular Function
    and Blood Volumes in Postmenopausal Women." Analysis ongoing.
  • Clark BM. "Single Versus Double Lumen Aspiration Needles for IVF Oocyte Aspiration." Analysis ongoing.
  • Clark BM, Johnson JV and deVente J. "BMI and Methotrexate Failure in the Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy." Abstract submitted.
Search Criteria
  • Hemodynamics