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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Gounis, Matthew

Matt Gounis, PhD, is a biomedical engineer and tenured Professor of the Department of Radiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School. He co-founded the New England Center for Stroke Research at UMASS in 2006 where the team works to bring new imaging and medical device technology from the bench to the clinic. For 25 years, Matt has performed research on the minimally invasive treatment of cerebrovascular disease with a focus on device technology, pre-clinical disease modeling, and image-guided surgery. Matt is the 2010 recipient of the Y.C. Fung Award from the ASME, the Founding President of the SB3C Foundation, formerly the Chair of the Bioengineering Division of the ASME and the AHA Clinical Bioengineering Committee, Fellow of ASME and currently serves as the Basic Science Associate Editor for the Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery and on the Editorial Board of the journals Stroke, and Neurosurgery. Matt has given over 150 invited lectures around the world, including delivering the distinguished Pierre Lasjuanias Memorial Lecture at the 15th Congress of the World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology in Naples, Italy. Matt currently serves at the Chair of the UMMS IACUC, Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Radiology and as the Chair of the Departmental Personnel Action Committee. 

On-going research projects:

1. 5R44NS076272-03, NIH (PI: A Krtolica)                              8/1/2017-7/31/2020 (NCE) 

Reducing brain injury after focal ischemia using a nitric oxide-neutral oxygen carrier.

Role: Subcontract PI

In this project, we test engineered a safe first-in-class oxygen carrier (OMX) that improves brain oxygenation after stroke to preserve the neuronal and glial cell network viability within the oxygen-deprived penumbra tissue, resulting in the amelioration of neurological function.

2. 5R01NS091552-04, NIH (MPIs: AA Bogdanov, MJ Gounis)    9/15/2015-7/31/2020 (NCE)

Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: Rupture-Risk Assessment by Non-Invasive Molecular Imaging

Role: MPI

The ultimate goal of this proposal is to develop inroads to identification of aneurysms at risk of rupture and identify through the proposed experiments how specific and sensitive the imaging probes are in tracking active remodeling in aneurysm models.

3.    2R44NS100163-02, NIH (PI: GJ Ughi)                                                               7/15/2018-4/30/2020

Micro-imaging catheters for high-resolution, image-guided, endovascular repair of brain aneurysms

Role: Subcontract Co-I

The goal of this program is to provide a highly effective, high-resolution, imaging tool for the guidance of neuroendovascular procedures for brain aneurysm repair.

4. 2017104, BSF (PIs: N Korin, MJ Gounis)   10/1/2018-9/30/2022

Hemodynamic transport of drug carriers to cerebral aneurysms

Role: Co-PI

Our main goal is to elucidate the role of hemodynamics on particle dynamics at aneurysm sites and study the effect of particulate drug carrier properties on targeting aneurysms.

5. 2R44NS095573-03A1, NIH (PI: Merrill – FocalCool)                                     9/30/2019-8/31/2021

Rapid and effective localized neurovascular cooling using the Khione insulative catheter.

Role: Subcontract PI

Following a successful Phase 1 study that demonstrated proof-of-concept of rapid, deep focal cooling during temporary middle cerebral artery occlusion in a large animal model; this Phase 2 grant seeks to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach of peri-procedural focal hypothermia to improve functional outcomes in an acute stroke model.

6. Award #563749, Gilbert Family Fdn (PIs: MS Sena-Esteves)                      12/1/2018-11/30/2021

Multipronged Approach to Development of NF1 Gene Therapeutics Neurofibromatosis Type I

Role: Co-I

The aims of this project are to develop (1) AAV vectors for NF1 delivery and expression restoration and (2) a zinc finger protein (ZFP) or antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to achieve dosage compensation in haploinsufficient (NF1+/-) cells.

7. Bits to Bytes, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (PI: MJ Gounis)   7/1/2019-06/30/2022

Artificial intelligence in high-resolution neurovascular imaging for improving the treatment of stroke

Role: PI

The aim of the proposed research is the development of machine learning methodologies for an efficient analysis of HF-OCT data. The developments proposed in this grant hold great potential to revolutionize the current treatment and understanding of brain aneurysms.

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Item TypeName
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Academic Article Acute and chronic swine rete arteriovenous malformation models: hemodynamics and vascular remodeling.
Academic Article Acute and chronic swine rete arteriovenous malformation models: effect of ethiodol and glacial acetic acid on penetration, dispersion, and injection force of N-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate.
Academic Article Contrast injection via the central artery of the left ear in rabbits: a new technique to simplify follow-up studies.
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Academic Article A novel angiographic methodology for the quantification of angiogenesis.
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Academic Article Neurological deficits associated with the elastase-induced aneurysm model in rabbits.
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Academic Article Contrast-enhanced angiographic cone-beam CT of cerebrovascular stents: experimental optimization and clinical application.
Academic Article Mechanical characterization of thromboemboli in acute ischemic stroke and laboratory embolus analogs.
Academic Article The Trevo device: preclinical data of a novel stroke thrombectomy device in two different animal models of arterial thrombo-occlusive disease.
Academic Article Preclinical acute ischemic stroke modeling.
Academic Article Porcine brachial artery tortuosity for in vivo evaluation of neuroendovascular devices.
Academic Article Quantitative evaluation of C-arm CT cerebral blood volume in a canine model of ischemic stroke.
Academic Article Frameless multimodal image guidance of localized convection-enhanced delivery of therapeutics in the brain.
Academic Article Preclinical investigations for thrombectomy devices--does it translate to humans?
Academic Article Morphology of elastase-induced cerebral aneurysm model in rabbit and rapid prototyping of elastomeric transparent replicas.
Academic Article Robust initialization of 2D-3D image registration using the projection-slice theorem and phase correlation.
Academic Article Registration of 2D x-ray images to 3D MRI by generating pseudo-CT data.
Academic Article Temporal evolution of susceptibility artifacts from coiled aneurysms on MR angiography: an in vivo canine study.
Academic Article A thromboembolic model for the efficacy and safety evaluation of combined mechanical and pharmacologic revascularization strategies.
Concept Disease Models, Animal
Concept Animals
Concept Animals, Genetically Modified
Concept Models, Animal
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Academic Article Finding the striatum in sheep: use of a multi-modal guided approach for convection enhanced delivery.
Academic Article MR imaging of myeloperoxidase activity in a model of the inflamed aneurysm wall.
Academic Article Quantitative analysis of high-resolution, contrast-enhanced, cone-beam CT for the detection of intracranial in-stent hyperplasia.
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Academic Article Shear-Activated Nanoparticle Aggregates Combined With Temporary Endovascular Bypass to Treat Large Vessel Occlusion.
Academic Article Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E Knockout Mouse Model Using Macrophage-Targeted Gadolinium-Containing Synthetic Lipopeptide Nanoparticles.
Academic Article Evaluation of oxygen sensitivity of hyperpolarized helium imaging for the detection of pulmonary ischemia.
Academic Article Academic-industry Collaborations in Translational Stroke Research.
Academic Article Grading of Regional Apposition after Flow-Diverter Treatment (GRAFT): a comparative evaluation of VasoCT and intravascular OCT.
Academic Article In situ tissue engineering: endothelial growth patterns as a function of flow diverter design.
Academic Article Direct Intracranial Injection of AAVrh8 Encoding Monkey ?-N-Acetylhexosaminidase Causes Neurotoxicity in the Primate Brain.
Academic Article Flow diverter implantation in a rat model of sidewall aneurysm: a feasibility study.
Academic Article A stereotaxic breed-averaged, symmetric T2w canine brain atlas including detailed morphological and volumetrical data sets.
Academic Article The Importance of Wall Apposition in Flow Diverters.
Academic Article Robotic Assisted MRI-Guided Interventional Interstitial MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Ablation in a Swine Model.
Academic Article Phosphorylcholine surface modified flow diverter associated with reduced intimal hyperplasia.
Academic Article Communicating malapposition of flow diverters assessed with optical coherence tomography correlates with delayed aneurysm occlusion.
Academic Article Acute thrombus formation on phosphorilcholine surface modified flow diverters.
Academic Article Selective Neuronal Uptake and Distribution of AAVrh8, AAV9, and AAVrh10 in Sheep After Intra-Striatal Administration.
Academic Article Complete clot ingestion with cyclical ADAPT increases first-pass recanalization and reduces distal embolization.
Academic Article Large animals in neurointerventional research: A systematic review on models, techniques and their application in endovascular procedures for stroke, aneurysms and vascular malformations.
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Academic Article High frequency optical coherence tomography assessment of homogenous neck coverage by intrasaccular devices predicts successful aneurysm occlusion.
Academic Article A canine model of mechanical thrombectomy in stroke.
Academic Article Focal cooling of brain parenchyma in a transient large vessel occlusion model: proof-of-concept.
Academic Article A divalent siRNA chemical scaffold for potent and sustained modulation of gene expression throughout the central nervous system.
Academic Article Infarct Evolution in a Large Animal Model of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion.
Academic Article Mechanical behavior of in vitro blood clots and the implications for acute ischemic stroke treatment.
Academic Article A Safe and Reliable Technique for CNS Delivery of AAV Vectors in the Cisterna Magna.
Academic Article Volume and Infusion Rate Dynamics of Intraparenchymal Central Nervous System Infusion in a Large Animal Model.
Academic Article Acute Thrombus Burden on Coated Flow Diverters Assessed by High Frequency Optical Coherence Tomography.
Academic Article Longitudinal Monitoring of Flow-Diverting Stent Tissue Coverage After Implant in a Bifurcation Model Using Neurovascular High-Frequency Optical Coherence Tomography.
Academic Article A neurovascular high-frequency optical coherence tomography system enables in situ cerebrovascular volumetric microscopy.
Academic Article High-resolution image-guided WEB aneurysm embolization by high-frequency optical coherence tomography.
Academic Article In situ decellularization of a large animal saccular aneurysm model: sustained inflammation and active aneurysm wall remodeling.
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Search Criteria
  • Animals