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This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Seymour, Neal
Item TypeName
Concept User-Computer Interface
Concept Surgery, Computer-Assisted
Concept Computers
Concept Computer Simulation
Concept Computer-Assisted Instruction
Academic Article Boot cAMP: educational outcomes after 4 successive years of preparatory simulation-based training at onset of internship.
Academic Article Virtual reality and computer-enhanced training devices equally improve laparoscopic surgical skill in novices.
Academic Article Challenges to the development of complex virtual reality surgical simulations.
Academic Article Performance and ergonomic characteristics of expert surgeons using a face-mounted display during virtual reality-simulated laparoscopic surgery: an electromyographically based study.
Academic Article Virtual-reality training improves angled telescope skills in novice laparoscopists.
Academic Article Surgical resident performance on a virtual reality simulator correlates with operating room performance.
Academic Article Novices outperform experienced laparoscopists on virtual reality laparoscopy simulator.
Academic Article Establishing a simulation center for surgical skills: what to do and how to do it.
Academic Article Prospective, randomized assessment of transfer of training (ToT) and transfer effectiveness ratio (TER) of virtual reality simulation training for laparoscopic skill acquisition.
Academic Article Virtual reality training improves operating room performance: results of a randomized, double-blinded study.
Academic Article Persistent next-day effects of excessive alcohol consumption on laparoscopic surgical performance.
Academic Article Debriefing 101: training faculty to promote learning in simulation-based training.
Academic Article Ramifications of single-port laparoscopic surgery: measuring differences in task performance using simulation.
Academic Article VR to OR: a review of the evidence that virtual reality simulation improves operating room performance.
Academic Article Identifying Opportunities for Virtual Reality Simulation in Surgical Education: A Review of the Proceedings from the Innovation, Design, and Emerging Alliances in Surgery (IDEAS) Conference: VR Surgery.
Academic Article Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: performance characteristics and perceptions of new users.
Academic Article Moving the Needle: Simulation's Impact on Patient Outcomes.
Academic Article A computerised test of perceptual ability for learning endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery and other image guided procedures: Score norms for PicSOr.
Academic Article Visual spatial ability for surgical trainees: implications for learning endoscopic, laparoscopic surgery and other image-guided procedures.
Academic Article Expert laparoscopist performance on virtual reality simulation tasks with and without haptic features.
Search Criteria
  • Computers