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Search Results
Magnani, Diogo
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Magnani, Diogo
Item Type
A Fetus-Targeted Antibody Therapy to Prevent Zika Virus Infection During Pregnancy
Academic Article
A human inferred germline antibody binds to an immunodominant epitope and neutralizes Zika virus.
Academic Article
Ontogeny of the B- and T-cell response in a primary Zika virus infection of a dengue-na?ve individual during the 2016 outbreak in Miami, FL.
Academic Article
Neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies prevent Zika virus infection in macaques.
Academic Article
Travel Surveillance and Genomics Uncover a Hidden Zika Outbreak during the Waning Epidemic.
Academic Article
Zika Virus-Immune Plasmas from Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Individuals Enhance Zika Pathogenesis in Adult and Pregnant Mice.
Academic Article
Fetal demise and failed antibody therapy during Zika virus infection of pregnant macaques.
Academic Article
Postnatal Zika virus infection is associated with persistent abnormalities in brain structure, function, and behavior in infant macaques.
Academic Article
Prior Dengue Virus Exposure Shapes T Cell Immunity to Zika Virus in Humans.
Academic Article
Genomic epidemiology reveals multiple introductions of Zika virus into the United States.
Zika Virus Infection
Zika Virus
Search Criteria
Zika Virus