Below are the most recent publications written about "Stainless Steel" by people in Profiles.
Lockerman LZ. Is the traditional placement of stainless steel crowns in primary teeth more painful than the non-preparation Hall technique? Evid Based Dent. 2023 09; 24(3):108-109.
Higgins D, Urquhart H, Kelly S, Illingworth S, Perera N, Bastin B, Bird P, Agin MJ, Goins D, Chen Y, Salfinger Y, Brodsky M. Validation of Solus One Salmonella from Select Food Matrixes and Stainless-Steel and Plastic Environmental Surfaces. J AOAC Int. 2019 Jul 01; 102(4):1145-1161.
Kerr DE, Shen G, Lienau AH, Deng T, Kaur M, Immermann AL, Feldsine PT, John L, Chen Y, Brodsky M, Ziemer W. Comparative Validation Study to Demonstrate the Equivalence of an Alternate Next-Day Enrichment Protocol for the TRANSIA? PLATE Salmonella Gold Method to Culture Methods for the Detection of Salmonella in Selected Foods and Environmental Surfaces. J AOAC Int. 2019 May 01; 102(3):828-841.
Kerr DE, Shen G, Lienau AH, Kaur M, Immermann AL, Feldsine PT, John L, Chen Y, Brodsky M, Ziemer W. Comparative Validation Study to Demonstrate the Equivalence of an Alternate Next-Day Enrichment Protocol for VIP? Gold for Salmonella Method to Culture Methods for the Detection of Salmonella in Selected Foods and Environmental Surfaces. J AOAC Int. 2019 May 01; 102(3):815-827.
Banerjee K, Pierson B, Carrier E, Malsick L, Hu C, Daudenarde S, Brownell D, Koeris M, Crowley E, Bird P, Benzinger MJ, Flannery J, Mastalerz A, Agin J, Goins D, Salfinger Y, Brodsky M, Ziemer W. Validation of Workflow Changes, Phage Concentration and Reformatted Detection Threshold for the Sample6 DETECT/L? Test: Level 3 Modification. J AOAC Int. 2018 Nov 01; 101(6):1895-1904.
Le QN, Alles S, Roman B, Tovar E, Hosking E, Zhang L, Biswas P, Bastin B, Bird PM, Mozola M, Donofrio R, Chen Y, Brodsky M, Ziemer W. Validation of the Listeria Right NowTM Test for Detection of Listeria spp. from Selected Environmental Surfaces Without Enrichment. J AOAC Int. 2019 May 01; 102(3):926-935.
Tonner E, Kelly S, Illingworth S, Perera N, Bastin B, Bird P, Joseph Benzinger M, Agin J, Goins D, Chen Y, Salfinger Y, Brodsky M. Evaluation of the Solus One Listeria Method for the Detection of Listeria Species on Environmental Surfaces. J AOAC Int. 2019 Mar 01; 102(2):570-579.
Maroni B, Lopez T, Neal C, Verver S, Puente C, Lauffer J, Garcia J, Groschel B, Dreyling E, Chaney WE, Bastin B, Bird P, Benzinger MJ, Agin J, Goins D, Hariram U, Chen Y, Ryser E, Brodsky M. Method Modification for the Atlas Listeria Environmental LE Detection Assay Using FoodChek Actero Listeria Enrichment Media and Half-Fraser Media for the Detection of Listeria spp. from Environmental Surfaces. J AOAC Int. 2018 Mar 01; 101(2):562-576.
Huang K, Chen J, Nugen SR, Goddard JM. Hybrid Antifouling and Antimicrobial Coatings Prepared by Electroless Co-Deposition of Fluoropolymer and Cationic Silica Nanoparticles on Stainless Steel: Efficacy against Listeria monocytogenes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Jun 29; 8(25):15926-36.
Feldsine P, Lienau AH, Shah K, Immermann A, Soliven K, Kaur M, Kerr DE, Jucker M, Hammack T, Brodsky M, Agin J. Comparison of Assurance GDS(?) MPX ID for Top STEC with Reference Culture Methods for the Detection of E. coli Top 6 STEC; Direct Confirmation of Top 6 STEC from Isolation Plates and Determination of Equivalence of PickPen(?) and FSIS OctoMACS? Concentration Protocols. J AOAC Int. 2016 Mar-Apr; 99(2):428-43.