Below are the most recent publications written about "Reference Values" by people in Profiles.
Doumat G, Mehta GD, Espinola JA, Gallegos C, Zhu Z, Mansbach JM, Hasegawa K, Camargo CA. Race-Neutral Equations and Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation in Two Pediatric Cohorts. J Pediatr. 2024 Oct; 273:114124.
Barbhuiya MA, Neibauer T, Saylor E, Zhu Y. Comparison of Performance between the Elecsys 4th and 5th Generation STAT Cardiac Troponin T Immunoassays. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2022 Jul; 52(4):628-633.
Nurk S, Koren S, Rhie A, Rautiainen M, Bzikadze AV, Mikheenko A, Vollger MR, Altemose N, Uralsky L, Gershman A, Aganezov S, Hoyt SJ, Diekhans M, Logsdon GA, Alonge M, Antonarakis SE, Borchers M, Bouffard GG, Brooks SY, Caldas GV, Chen NC, Cheng H, Chin CS, Chow W, de Lima LG, Dishuck PC, Durbin R, Dvorkina T, Fiddes IT, Formenti G, Fulton RS, Fungtammasan A, Garrison E, Grady PGS, Graves-Lindsay TA, Hall IM, Hansen NF, Hartley GA, Haukness M, Howe K, Hunkapiller MW, Jain C, Jain M, Jarvis ED, Kerpedjiev P, Kirsche M, Kolmogorov M, Korlach J, Kremitzki M, Li H, Maduro VV, Marschall T, McCartney AM, McDaniel J, Miller DE, Mullikin JC, Myers EW, Olson ND, Paten B, Peluso P, Pevzner PA, Porubsky D, Potapova T, Rogaev EI, Rosenfeld JA, Salzberg SL, Schneider VA, Sedlazeck FJ, Shafin K, Shew CJ, Shumate A, Sims Y, Smit AFA, Soto DC, Sovic I, Storer JM, Streets A, Sullivan BA, Thibaud-Nissen F, Torrance J, Wagner J, Walenz BP, Wenger A, Wood JMD, Xiao C, Yan SM, Young AC, Zarate S, Surti U, McCoy RC, Dennis MY, Alexandrov IA, Gerton JL, O'Neill RJ, Timp W, Zook JM, Schatz MC, Eichler EE, Miga KH, Phillippy AM. The complete sequence of a human genome. Science. 2022 04; 376(6588):44-53.
Arends S, Drenthen J, van den Bergh P, Franssen H, Hadden RDM, Islam B, Kuwabara S, Reisin RC, Shahrizaila N, Amino H, Antonini G, Attarian S, Balducci C, Barroso F, Bertorini T, Binda D, Brannagan TH, Buermann J, Casasnovas C, Cavaletti G, Chao CC, Dimachkie MM, Fulgenzi EA, Galassi G, Guti?rrez Guti?rrez G, Harbo T, Hartung HP, Hsieh ST, Kiers L, Lehmann HC, Manganelli F, Marfia GA, Mataluni G, Pardo J, P?r?on Y, Rajabally YA, Santoro L, Sekiguchi Y, Stein B, Stettner M, Uncini A, Verboon C, Verhamme C, Vytopil M, Waheed W, Wang M, Zivkovic S, Jacobs BC, Cornblath DR. Electrodiagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome in the International GBS Outcome Study: Differences in methods and reference values. Clin Neurophysiol. 2022 06; 138:231-240.
Kornej J, Magnani JW, Preis SR, Soliman EZ, Trinquart L, Ko D, Benjamin EJ, Lin H. P-wave signal-averaged electrocardiography: Reference values, clinical correlates, and heritability in the Framingham Heart Study. Heart Rhythm. 2021 09; 18(9):1500-1507.
Lerner DP, Bassil R, Tadevosyan A, Ramineni A, Burns JD, Russell JA, Varelas PN, Lewis A. Metabolic values precluding clinical death by neurologic Criteria/Brain death: Survey of neurocritical care society physicians. J Clin Neurosci. 2021 Jun; 88:16-21.
Zha Y, Gong X, Yang C, Deng D, Feng L, Luo A, Wan L, Qiao F, Zeng W, Chen S, Wu Y, Han D, Liu H. Epidural analgesia during labor and its optimal initiation time-points: A real-world study on 400 Chinese nulliparas. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Mar 05; 100(9):e24923.
Krist AH, Davidson KW, Mangione CM, Barry MJ, Cabana M, Caughey AB, Donahue K, Doubeni CA, Epling JW, Kubik M, Ogedegbe G, Pbert L, Silverstein M, Simon MA, Tseng CW, Wong JB. Screening for High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA. 2020 Nov 10; 324(18):1878-1883.
Hanson CA, Kamath A, Gottbrecht M, Ibrahim S, Salerno M. T2 Relaxation Times at Cardiac MRI in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Radiology. 2020 11; 297(2):344-351.
Yan X, Xu XS, Weisel KC, Mateos MV, Sonneveld P, Dimopoulos MA, Usmani SZ, Bahlis NJ, Puchalski T, Ukropec J, Bellew K, Ming Q, Sun S, Zhou H. Early M-Protein Dynamics Predicts Progression-Free Survival in Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Clin Transl Sci. 2020 11; 13(6):1345-1354.