Chekmeyan M, Baccei SJ, Garwood ER. Cross-Check QA: A Quality Assurance Workflow to Prevent Missed Diagnoses by Alerting Inadvertent Discordance Between the Radiologist and Artificial Intelligence in the Interpretation of High-Acuity CT Scans. J Am Coll Radiol. 2023 12; 20(12):1225-1230.
PMID: 37423347.
Citations: Fields:
Liu F, Zhou P, Baccei SJ, Masciocchi MJ, Amornsiripanitch N, Kiefe CI, Rosen MP. Qualifying Certainty in Radiology Reports through Deep Learning-Based Natural Language Processing. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2021 10; 42(10):1755-1761.
PMID: 34413062.
3 Fields:
Broder JC, Baccei SJ. Building a Learning Community for Radiology Quality and Safety in Massachusetts: Confronting Challenges and Creating Opportunities. J Am Coll Radiol. 2021 Mar; 18(3 Pt B):484-487.
PMID: 33663759.
Baccei SJ, Henderson SR, Lo HS, Reynolds K. Using Quality Improvement Methodology to Reduce Costs while Improving Efficiency and Provider Satisfaction in a Busy, Academic Musculoskeletal Radiology Division. J Med Syst. 2020 Apr 21; 44(6):104.
PMID: 32318828.
4 Fields:
Baccei SJ, DiRoberto C, Greene J, Rosen MP. Improving Communication of Actionable Findings in Radiology Imaging Studies and Procedures Using an EMR-Independent System. J Med Syst. 2019 Jan 05; 43(2):30.
PMID: 30612206.
2 Fields:
Broder JC, Cameron SF, Korn WT, Baccei SJ. Creating a Radiology Quality and Safety Program: Principles and Pitfalls. Radiographics. 2018 Oct; 38(6):1786-1798.
PMID: 30303786.
5 Fields:
Baccei SJ, Chinai SA, Reznek M, Henderson S, Reynolds K, Brush DE. System-Level Process Change Improves Communication and Follow-Up for Emergency Department Patients With Incidental Radiology Findings. J Am Coll Radiol. 2018 Apr; 15(4):639-647.
PMID: 29305076.
2 Fields:
Ward RJ, Roberts CC, Bencardino JT, Arnold E, Baccei SJ, Cassidy RC, Chang EY, Fox MG, Greenspan BS, Gyftopoulos S, Hochman MG, Mintz DN, Newman JS, Reitman C, Rosenberg ZS, Shah NA, Small KM, Weissman BN. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Osteoporosis?and?Bone Mineral Density. J Am Coll Radiol. 2017 May; 14(5S):S189-S202.
PMID: 28473075.
27 Fields:
Jacobson JA, Roberts CC, Bencardino JT, Appel M, Arnold E, Baccei SJ, Cassidy RC, Chang EY, Fox MG, Greenspan BS, Gyftopoulos S, Hochman MG, Mintz DN, Newman JS, Rosenberg ZS, Shah NA, Small KM, Weissman BN. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Chronic Extremity Joint Pain-Suspected Inflammatory Arthritis. J Am Coll Radiol. 2017 May; 14(5S):S81-S89.
PMID: 28473097.
1 Fields:
Mintz DN, Roberts CC, Bencardino JT, Baccei SJ, Caird MS, Cassidy RC, Chang EY, Fox MG, Gyftopoulos S, Kransdorf MJ, Metter DF, Morrison WB, Rosenberg ZS, Shah NA, Small KM, Subhas N, Tambar S, Towers JD, Yu JS, Weissman BN. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Chronic Hip Pain. J Am Coll Radiol. 2017 May; 14(5S):S90-S102.
PMID: 28473098.
4 Fields:
Bencardino JT, Stone TJ, Roberts CC, Appel M, Baccei SJ, Cassidy RC, Chang EY, Fox MG, Greenspan BS, Gyftopoulos S, Hochman MG, Jacobson JA, Mintz DN, Mlady GW, Newman JS, Rosenberg ZS, Shah NA, Small KM, Weissman BN. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Stress (Fatigue/Insufficiency) Fracture, Including Sacrum,?Excluding Other Vertebrae. J Am Coll Radiol. 2017 May; 14(5S):S293-S306.
PMID: 28473086.
16 Fields:
DiRoberto C, Henderson S, Lehto C, Baccei SJ. Prioritizing the Protocol: Improving the Process of Scheduling Imaging Examinations in a?Radiology Department With Partially Integrated IT?Systems. J Am Coll Radiol. 2017 03; 14(3):444-448.
PMID: 27927593.
Citations: Fields:
DiRoberto, C. Henderson, S. Lehto, C. Baccei, SJ. Prioritizing the Protocol: Improving the Process of Scheduling Imaging Examinations in a Radiology Department with Partially Integrated IT Systems. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2016.
View Publication.
Mintz DN, Roberts CC, Bencardino JT, Baccei SJ, Caird M, Cassidy RC, Chang EY, Fox MG, Gyftopoulos S, Kransdorf MJ, Metter DF, Morrison WB, Rosenberg ZS, Shah NH, Small KM, Subhas N, Tambar S, Towers JD, Yu JS, Weissman BN. Expert Panel on Musculoskeletal Imaging. ACR Appropriateness Criteria®. Chronic hip pain. 2016.
Jacobson JA, Roberts CC, Bencardino JT, Appel M, Arnold E, Baccei SJ, Cassidy RC, Chang EY, Fox MG, Bennett S, Greenspan BS, Gyftopoulos S, Hochman MG, Mintz DN, Newman JS, Rosenberg ZS, Shah NH, Small KM, Weissman BN. Expert Panel on Musculoskeletal Imaging. ACR Appropriateness Criteria®. Chronic Extremity Joint Pain-Suspected Inflammatory Arthritis. 2016.
Gyftopoulos S, Rosenberg ZS, Roberts CC, Bencardino JT, Appel M, Baccei SJ, Cassidy RC, Chang EY, Fox MG, Greenspan BS, Hochman MG, Jacobson JA, Mintz DN, Newman JS, Shah NA, Small KM, Weissman BN. ACR Appropriateness Criteria Imaging After Shoulder Arthroplasty. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Nov; 13(11):1324-1336.
PMID: 27814833.
4 Fields:
Caruso M, DiRoberto C, Howe J, Baccei SJ. How to Effectively Implement a Peer Review Process for Interventional Radiology Procedures. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Sep; 13(9):1106-8.
PMID: 27461896.
DiRoberto C, Lehto C, Baccei SJ. Improving the Transcription of Patient Information From Image Requisitions to?the Radiology Information System. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Aug; 13(8):950-5.
PMID: 27233910.
DiRoberto C, Lehto C, Baccei SJ. The Decision Analysis Matrix: A Systematic Method to Improve Collaborative?Decision Making. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Sep; 13(9):1159-60.
PMID: 27084070.
Chen B, DiRoberto C, Baccei SJ. Reducing Radiation Exposure Without Compromising Image Quality for Lumbar Spine CT. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Jul; 13(7):825-7.
PMID: 26810637.
Citations: Fields:
PHPublic Health
Weissman BN, Palestro CJ, Appel M, Baccei SJ, Bencardino JT, Fries IB, Hochman MG, Jacobson JA, Mintz DN, Mlady GW, Murphey MD, Newman JS, Rosenberg ZS, Rubin DA, Small KM. Expert Panel on Musculoskeletal Imaging. ACR Appropriateness Criteria®. Imaging after total hip arthroplasty. 2015.
Hayes CW, Roberts CC, Bencardino JT, Appel M, Arnold E, Baccei SJ, Chang EY, Fox MG, Fries IB, Greenspan BS, Hochman MG, Jacobson JA, Mintz DN, Mlady G, Murphey MD, Newman JS, Rosenberg ZS, Rubin DA, Small KM, Weissman BN. Expert Panel on Musculoskeletal Imaging. ACR Appropriateness Criteria®. Chronic elbow pain. 2015.
Baccei SJ, Cerniglia C. Improving radiographic quality at a busy outpatient imaging center. J Am Coll Radiol. 2015 Apr; 12(4):417-22.
PMID: 25842022.
Baccei SJ, Hoimes M, Shin H, Karam AR. Reducing radiology report addenda using provisionally signed status. J Am Coll Radiol. 2015 Jan; 12(1):108-10.
PMID: 25269388.
Madden TF, Baccei SJ. Diffuse bone marrow sarcoid-like reaction associated with renal cell carcinoma. Skeletal Radiol. 2014 Dec; 43(12):1761-6.
PMID: 25052538.
2 Fields:
Erbay S, Han R, Baccei S, Krakov W, Zou KH, Bhadelia R, Polak J. Intracranial carotid artery calcification on head CT and its association with ischemic changes on brain MRI in patients presenting with stroke-like symptoms: retrospective analysis. Neuroradiology. 2007 Jan; 49(1):27-33.
PMID: 17089112.
25 Fields: