Academic Background
- Present Position:
- Director, Microbiology Services
Department of Hospital Laboratories - Address:
- 89 Puritan Road
Waban, MA 02468 - Medical School:
- Yale University School of Medicine, MD (1978)
Graduate Medical Education:
1978-1981 Resident in Pediatrics, Yale-New Haven Hospital
1981-1984 Fellow, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins Hospital
1984-1987 Fellow, Microbiology Service, National Institutes of Health
1990-1992 Fellow, Combined Program in Human Genetics, Harvard Medical School
National Board of Medical Examiners (#201579), 1980.
American Academy of Pediatrics, (#29383), 1983.
American Board of Pathology, Medical Microbiology, 1986.
American Board of Medical Genetics, Clinical Cytogenetics, 1993
The Board of Medical Examiners of the State of Maryland, D33781 (expired 1987).
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, (Reg.#: 58562, Expires 6/18/03).
Current Academic Appointment(s):
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Massachusetts School of Medicine
Current Medical Staff Appointment(s):
Staff Physician, UMass Memorial Group Practice
I oversee laboratory and clinical aspects of the microbiology laboratories, including aerobic
andanaerobicbacteriology, mycobacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology. I am involved with teachingandtraining of Medical Students, Pathology Residents, and Infectious Diseases Fellows (Department of Medicine). I am a member of the Steering Committee in the Department of Hospital Labs. I sit on the UMMMC Clinical Process Improvement Committee, and chair its Laboratory Advisory subcommittee. I also sit on the UMMMC Pharmacy and Therapeutics Antimicrobial Subcommittee, the UMMMC Infection Control Committee, and theUMMMC Disaster Committee.