Twyman J, Pinkelman S, Kenyon S, Heward WL, Lattal KA, Critchfield TS. Ronnie Detrich (1946-2023): A?Versatile Behavior Analyst Who Demanded More of Behavior Analysis and Education. J Appl Behav Anal. 2024 Jan; 57(1):32-38.
PMID: 38010633.
Twyman JS. The Evidence is in the Design. Perspect Behav Sci. 2021 Sep; 44(2-3):195-223.
PMID: 34632276.
Twyman JS, Hockman A. You Have the Big Idea, Concept, and Some Examples ... Now What? Behav Anal Pract. 2021 Sep; 14(3):802-815.
PMID: 34631384.
Heward WL, Twyman JS. Whatever the Kid Does Is the Truth: Introduction to the Special Section on Direct Instruction. Perspect Behav Sci. 2021 Sep; 44(2-3):131-138.
PMID: 34632272.
Twyman JS. Faultless Communication: The Heart and Soul of DI. Perspect Behav Sci. 2021 Sep; 44(2-3):169-193.
PMID: 34632275.
Heward WL, Twyman JS. Teach More in Less Time: Introduction to the Special Section on Direct Instruction. Behav Anal Pract. 2021 Sep; 14(3):763-765.
PMID: 34631379.
Byatt N, Masters GA, Twyman J, Hunt A, Hamad C, Maslin M, Moore Simas TA. Building Obstetric Provider Capacity to Address Perinatal Depression Through Online Training. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2021 10; 30(10):1386-1394.
PMID: 33835884.
3 Fields:
Wolf-Fordham SB, Twyman JS, Hamad CD. Educating first responders to provide emergency services to individuals with disabilities. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2014 Dec; 8(6):533-40.
PMID: 25859692.
1 Fields:
Leon, M., Ford, V., Shimizu, H., Heimlich-Stretz, A., Thompson, J., Sota, M., Twyman, J.S., & Layng, T.V.J. Comprehension by design: Teaching young learners how to comprehend what they read. Performance Improvement. 2011; 50(4):40-47.
Twyman, J. S., Layng, T.V.J., & Layng, Z. The likelihood of instructionally beneficial, trivial, or negative results for kindergarten and 1st grade learners who complete at least half of Headsprout® Early Reading. Behavioral Technology Today. 2011; 6:1-19.
Twyman, J.S.
. Emerging technologies and behavioural cusps: A new era for behaviour analysis?. European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 2011; 2(12):461-482.
Twyman, J.S. TerraKids. (Invited commentary for a special section on behavior analysis and climate change.). The Behavior Analyst. 2010; 33(2):193-196.
Twyman JS. TerraKids: An Interactive Web Site Where Kids Learn about Saving the Environment. Behav Anal. 2010; 33(2):193-6.
PMID: 22532714.
Twyman, J.S. & Sota, M. Identifying research-based practices for RtI: Scientifically-based instruction. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools. 2008; 9(2):86-97.
Layng, T. V. J., & Stikeleather, G., & Twyman, J. S. Scientific formative evaluation: The role of individual learners in generating and predicting successful educational outcomes. The scientific basis of educational productivity. R. F. Subotnik & H. Walberg (Eds.). 2006; 29-44.
Twyman, J.S. Academic interventions. In Encyclopedia of behavior modification and cognitive behavior therapy. 2005; 1123-1125.
Twyman, J. S., Layng, T.V.J., Stikeleather, G. and Hobbins, K.A. A non-linear approach to curriculum design: The role of behavior analysis in building an effective reading program. Focus on behavior analysis in education. In W. L. Heward et al. (Eds.). 2005; 55-68.
Layng, T. V. J., Twyman, J. S., & Stikeleather, G. Selected for success: How Headsprout Reading Basics™ teaches children to read. Evidence based education methods. D. J. Moran and R. W. Malott (Eds.). 2004; 171-197.
Layng, T. V. J., Twyman, J. S., & Stikeleather, G. Engineering discovery learning: The contingency adduction of some precursors of textual responding in a beginning reading program. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. 2004; 20:99-109.
Layng TV, Twyman JS, Stikeleather G. Engineering discovery learning: The contingency adduction of some precursors of textual responding in a beginning program. Anal Verbal Behav. 2004; 20:99-109.
PMID: 22477292.
Shimizu H, Twyman JS, Yamamoto Ji. Computer-based sorting-to-matching in identity matching for young children with developmental disabilities. Res Dev Disabil. 2003 May-Jun; 24(3):183-94.
PMID: 12742387.
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