M.D.,SUNY-Buffalo School of Medicine 1983
Resident in Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Buffalo 1983-1986
Fellow, Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia1986-1989
Research fellow,Massachusetts General Hospital 1989-1992
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 1993-2000
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 2000-2004
Prof of Pediatrics and Cell Biology
Director, Ped Endo and Diabetes, UMass Medical School Current

Testicular Development
We are interested in understanding the role of Mullerian inhibiting substance in the testis and elucidating the hormonal and cellular interactions that are critical for testicular development. Our research involves both clinical investigations and laboratory studies. Our basic research efforts have focused on clarifying the paracrine and endocrine regulation of Leydig cell differentiation and on identifying the effects of persistent organic pollutants (endocrine disruptors, such as dioxins) on the developing male reproductive system.
Areas of research interest:
- Biology and regulation of Mullerian inhibiting substance
- Sexual differentiation and intersex disorders
- Testicular differentiation and development (fetal and postnatal) of Leydig cells
- The effects of environmental toxins on reproductive development
- Gonadal toxicity of chemotherapy and radiation for childhood malignancies

Figure 1. Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) is a negative regulator of progenitor Leydig cell proliferation and differentation and an inhibitor of adult Leydig cell androgen biosynthesis.

Figure 2. TUNEL staining of representative light micrographs of 4-µm-thick testicular sections from MIS and control-treated rats on Day 15 after EDS treatment. A) Control rat. B and C) MIS-treated rats. Most of the TUNEL-positive nuclei are located within the seminferous tubules and correspond to germ cells. Arrow: interstitial cell with TUNEL-positive nucleus. Scale bar = (A and B) 100µm and (C) 25µm. (Salva A, et al. Biology of Reproduction 2004;70:600-607)