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ASGE EndoVators Summit: Defining the role and value of endoscopic therapies in obesity management.

Ryou M, McQuaid KR, Thompson CC, Edmundowicz S, Mergener K, Dayyeh BA, Apovian C, Burke C, Chand B, Chandraker A, Deas T, Dietz W, Dunkin B, Ernest O, Faigel D, Garber S, Hamdy O, Kaplan L, Kumar N, Kushner R, Larsen MC, Lerner H, Littenberg G, Mantzoros C, Mattar S, Moore R, Rinella M, Rothstein R, Schillinger D, Spring B, Sullivan S, Tice J, Vargo J, Wilson E, Woods K, Zundel N. ASGE EndoVators Summit: Defining the role and value of endoscopic therapies in obesity management. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2017 11; 13(11):1805-1816.

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