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David Kennedy to Brain Mapping

This is a "connection" page, showing publications David Kennedy has written about Brain Mapping.
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  1. Desai M, Mangoubi R, Shah J, Karl W, Pien H, Worth A, Kennedy D. Functional MRI activity characterization using response time shift estimates from curve evolution. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2002 Nov; 21(11):1402-12.
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    Score: 0.190
  2. Hagler DJ, Hatton S, Cornejo MD, Makowski C, Fair DA, Dick AS, Sutherland MT, Casey BJ, Barch DM, Harms MP, Watts R, Bjork JM, Garavan HP, Hilmer L, Pung CJ, Sicat CS, Kuperman J, Bartsch H, Xue F, Heitzeg MM, Laird AR, Trinh TT, Gonzalez R, Tapert SF, Riedel MC, Squeglia LM, Hyde LW, Rosenberg MD, Earl EA, Howlett KD, Baker FC, Soules M, Diaz J, de Leon OR, Thompson WK, Neale MC, Herting M, Sowell ER, Alvarez RP, Hawes SW, Sanchez M, Bodurka J, Breslin FJ, Morris AS, Paulus MP, Simmons WK, Polimeni JR, van der Kouwe A, Nencka AS, Gray KM, Pierpaoli C, Matochik JA, Noronha A, Aklin WM, Conway K, Glantz M, Hoffman E, Little R, Lopez M, Pariyadath V, Weiss SR, Wolff-Hughes DL, DelCarmen-Wiggins R, Feldstein Ewing SW, Miranda-Dominguez O, Nagel BJ, Perrone AJ, Sturgeon DT, Goldstone A, Pfefferbaum A, Pohl KM, Prouty D, Uban K, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Galvan A, Bagot K, Giedd J, Infante MA, Jacobus J, Patrick K, Shilling PD, Desikan R, Li Y, Sugrue L, Banich MT, Friedman N, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Sakai J, Tanabe J, Cottler LB, Nixon SJ, Chang L, Cloak C, Ernst T, Reeves G, Kennedy DN, Heeringa S, Peltier S, Schulenberg J, Sripada C, Zucker RA, Iacono WG, Luciana M, Calabro FJ, Clark DB, Lewis DA, Luna B, Schirda C, Brima T, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Mruzek DW, Mason MJ, Huber R, McGlade E, Prescot A, Renshaw PF, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Allgaier NA, Dumas JA, Ivanova M, Potter A, Florsheim P, Larson C, Lisdahl K, Charness ME, Fuemmeler B, Hettema JM, Maes HH, Steinberg J, Anokhin AP, Glaser P, Heath AC, Madden PA, Baskin-Sommers A, Constable RT, Grant SJ, Dowling GJ, Brown SA, Jernigan TL, Dale AM. Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Neuroimage. 2019 11 15; 202:116091.
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    Score: 0.152
  3. Pang L, Kennedy D, Wei Q, Lv L, Gao J, Li H, Quan M, Li X, Yang Y, Fan X, Song X. Decreased Functional Connectivity of Insular Cortex in Drug Na?ve First Episode Schizophrenia: In Relation to Symptom Severity. PLoS One. 2017; 12(1):e0167242.
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    Score: 0.128
  4. Brown TT, Kuperman JM, Chung Y, Erhart M, McCabe C, Hagler DJ, Venkatraman VK, Akshoomoff N, Amaral DG, Bloss CS, Casey BJ, Chang L, Ernst TM, Frazier JA, Gruen JR, Kaufmann WE, Kenet T, Kennedy DN, Murray SS, Sowell ER, Jernigan TL, Dale AM. Neuroanatomical assessment of biological maturity. Curr Biol. 2012 Sep 25; 22(18):1693-8.
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    Score: 0.094
  5. Makris N, Seidman LJ, Ahern T, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Tsuang MT, Goldstein JM. White matter volume abnormalities and associations with symptomatology in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Jul 30; 183(1):21-9.
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    Score: 0.081
  6. Kennedy DN. Making connections in the connectome era. Neuroinformatics. 2010 Jun; 8(2):61-2.
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    Score: 0.080
  7. Zhang N, Rane P, Huang W, Liang Z, Kennedy D, Frazier JA, King J. Mapping resting-state brain networks in conscious animals. J Neurosci Methods. 2010 Jun 15; 189(2):186-96.
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    Score: 0.080
  8. Kennedy DN, Haselgrove C, Makris N, Goldin DM, Lev MH, Caplan D, Caviness VS. WebParc: a tool for analysis of the topography and volume of stroke from MRI. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2010 Mar; 48(3):215-28.
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    Score: 0.079
  9. Makris N, Oscar-Berman M, Jaffin SK, Hodge SM, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Marinkovic K, Breiter HC, Gasic GP, Harris GJ. Decreased volume of the brain reward system in alcoholism. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Aug 01; 64(3):192-202.
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    Score: 0.069
  10. Caplan D, Waters G, Kennedy D, Alpert N, Makris N, Dede G, Michaud J, Reddy A. A study of syntactic processing in aphasia II: neurological aspects. Brain Lang. 2007 May; 101(2):151-77.
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    Score: 0.062
  11. Makris N, Goldstein JM, Kennedy D, Hodge SM, Caviness VS, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT, Seidman LJ. Decreased volume of left and total anterior insular lobule in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2006 Apr; 83(2-3):155-71.
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    Score: 0.060
  12. Makris N, Kennedy DN, McInerney S, Sorensen AG, Wang R, Caviness VS, Pandya DN. Segmentation of subcomponents within the superior longitudinal fascicle in humans: a quantitative, in vivo, DT-MRI study. Cereb Cortex. 2005 Jun; 15(6):854-69.
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    Score: 0.055
  13. Fischl B, van der Kouwe A, Destrieux C, Halgren E, S?gonne F, Salat DH, Busa E, Seidman LJ, Goldstein J, Kennedy D, Caviness V, Makris N, Rosen B, Dale AM. Automatically parcellating the human cerebral cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2004 Jan; 14(1):11-22.
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    Score: 0.052
  14. Makris N, Hodge SM, Haselgrove C, Kennedy DN, Dale A, Fischl B, Rosen BR, Harris G, Caviness VS, Schmahmann JD. Human cerebellum: surface-assisted cortical parcellation and volumetry with magnetic resonance imaging. J Cogn Neurosci. 2003 May 15; 15(4):584-99.
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    Score: 0.049
  15. Bakken TE, Roddey JC, Djurovic S, Akshoomoff N, Amaral DG, Bloss CS, Casey BJ, Chang L, Ernst TM, Gruen JR, Jernigan TL, Kaufmann WE, Kenet T, Kennedy DN, Kuperman JM, Murray SS, Sowell ER, Rimol LM, Mattingsdal M, Melle I, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Schork NJ, Dale AM, Weiner M, Aisen P, Petersen R, Jack CR, Jagust W, Trojanowki JQ, Toga AW, Beckett L, Green RC, Saykin AJ, Morris J, Liu E, Montine T, Gamst A, Thomas RG, Donohue M, Walter S, Gessert D, Sather T, Harvey D, Kornak J, Dale A, Bernstein M, Felmlee J, Fox N, Thompson P, Schuff N, Alexander G, DeCarli C, Bandy D, Koeppe RA, Foster N, Reiman EM, Chen K, Mathis C, Cairns NJ, Taylor-Reinwald L, Trojanowki JQ, Shaw L, Lee VM, Korecka M, Crawford K, Neu S, Foroud TM, Potkin S, Shen L, Kachaturian Z, Frank R, Snyder PJ, Molchan S, Kaye J, Quinn J, Lind B, Dolen S, Schneider LS, Pawluczyk S, Spann BM, Brewer J, Vanderswag H, Heidebrink JL, Lord JL, Johnson K, Doody RS, Villanueva-Meyer J, Chowdhury M, Stern Y, Honig LS, Bell KL, Morris JC, Ances B, Carroll M, Leon S, Mintun MA, Schneider S, Marson D, Griffith R, Clark D, Grossman H, Mitsis E, Romirowsky A, deToledo-Morrell L, Shah RC, Duara R, Varon D, Roberts P, Albert M, Onyike C, Kielb S, Rusinek H, de Leon MJ, Glodzik L, De Santi S, Doraiswamy PM, Petrella JR, Coleman RE, Arnold SE, Karlawish JH, Wolk D, Smith CD, Jicha G, Hardy P, Lopez OL, Oakley M, Simpson DM, Porsteinsson AP, Goldstein BS, Martin K, Makino KM, Ismail MS, Brand C, Mulnard RA, Thai G, Mc-Adams-Ortiz C, Womack K, Mathews D, Quiceno M, Diaz-Arrastia R, King R, Weiner M, Martin-Cook K, DeVous M, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Cellar JS, Burns JM, Anderson HS, Swerdlow RH, Apostolova L, Lu PH, Bartzokis G, Silverman DH, Graff-Radford NR, Parfitt F, Johnson H, Farlow MR, Hake AM, Matthews BR, Herring S, van Dyck CH, Carson RE, MacAvoy MG, Chertkow H, Bergman H, Hosein C, Black S, Stefanovic B, Caldwell C, Hsiung R, Feldman H, Mudge B, Assaly M, Kertesz A, Rogers J, Trost D, Bernick C, Munic D, Kerwin D, Mesulam MM, Lipowski K, Wu CK, Johnson N, Sadowsky C, Martinez W, Villena T, Turner RS, Johnson K, Reynolds B, Sperling RA, Johnson KA, Marshall G, Frey M, Yesavage J, Taylor JL, Lane B, Rosen A, Tinklenberg J, Sabbagh M, Belden C, Jacobson S, Kowall N, Killiany R, Budson AE, Norbash A, Johnson PL, Obisesan TO, Wolday S, Bwayo SK, Lerner A, Hudson L, Ogrocki P, Fletcher E, Carmichael O, Olichney J, Kittur S, Borrie M, Lee TY, Bartha R, Johnson S, Asthana S, Carlsson CM, Potkin SG, Preda A, Nguyen D, Tariot P, Fleisher A, Reeder S, Bates V, Capote H, Rainka M, Scharre DW, Kataki M, Zimmerman EA, Celmins D, Brown AD, Pearlson GD, Blank K, Anderson K, Santulli RB, Schwartz ES, Sink KM, Williamson JD, Garg P, Watkins F, Ott BR, Querfurth H, Tremont G, Salloway S, Malloy P, Correia S, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Mintzer J, Longmire CF, Spicer K, Finger E, Rachinsky I, Drost D, Jernigan T, McCabe C, Grant E, Ernst T, Kuperman J, Chung Y, Murray S, Bloss C, Darst B, Pritchett L, Saito A, Amaral D, DiNino M, Eyngorina B, Sowell E, Houston S, Soderberg L, Kaufmann W, van Zijl P, Rizzo-Busack H, Javid M, Mehta N, Ruberry E, Powers A, Rosen B, Gebhard N, Manigan H, Frazier J, Kennedy D, Yakutis L, Hill M, Gruen J, Bosson-Heenan J, Carlson H. Association of common genetic variants in GPCPD1 with scaling of visual cortical surface area in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Mar 06; 109(10):3985-90.
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    Score: 0.023
  16. Blood AJ, Iosifescu DV, Makris N, Perlis RH, Kennedy DN, Dougherty DD, Kim BW, Lee MJ, Wu S, Lee S, Calhoun J, Hodge SM, Fava M, Rosen BR, Smoller JW, Gasic GP, Breiter HC. Microstructural abnormalities in subcortical reward circuitry of subjects with major depressive disorder. PLoS One. 2010 Nov 29; 5(11):e13945.
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    Score: 0.021
  17. Rosso IM, Makris N, Thermenos HW, Hodge SM, Brown A, Kennedy D, Caviness VS, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT, Seidman LJ. Regional prefrontal cortex gray matter volumes in youth at familial risk for schizophrenia from the Harvard Adolescent High Risk Study. Schizophr Res. 2010 Oct; 123(1):15-21.
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    Score: 0.020
  18. Makris N, Seidman LJ, Valera EM, Biederman J, Monuteaux MC, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Bush G, Crum K, Brown AB, Faraone SV. Anterior cingulate volumetric alterations in treatment-na?ve adults with ADHD: a pilot study. J Atten Disord. 2010 Jan; 13(4):407-13.
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    Score: 0.020
  19. Makris N, Angelone L, Tulloch S, Sorg S, Kaiser J, Kennedy D, Bonmassar G. MRI-based anatomical model of the human head for specific absorption rate mapping. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2008 Dec; 46(12):1239-51.
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    Score: 0.018
  20. Frazier JA, Breeze JL, Papadimitriou G, Kennedy DN, Hodge SM, Moore CM, Howard JD, Rohan MP, Caviness VS, Makris N. White matter abnormalities in children with and at risk for bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord. 2007 Dec; 9(8):799-809.
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    Score: 0.017
  21. Makris N, Buka SL, Biederman J, Papadimitriou GM, Hodge SM, Valera EM, Brown AB, Bush G, Monuteaux MC, Caviness VS, Kennedy DN, Seidman LJ. Attention and executive systems abnormalities in adults with childhood ADHD: A DT-MRI study of connections. Cereb Cortex. 2008 May; 18(5):1210-20.
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    Score: 0.017
  22. Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Makris N, Ahern T, O'Brien LM, Caviness VS, Kennedy DN, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT. Hypothalamic abnormalities in schizophrenia: sex effects and genetic vulnerability. Biol Psychiatry. 2007 Apr 15; 61(8):935-45.
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    Score: 0.016
  23. Makris N, Papadimitriou GM, van der Kouwe A, Kennedy DN, Hodge SM, Dale AM, Benner T, Wald LL, Wu O, Tuch DS, Caviness VS, Moore TL, Killiany RJ, Moss MB, Rosene DL. Frontal connections and cognitive changes in normal aging rhesus monkeys: a DTI study. Neurobiol Aging. 2007 Oct; 28(10):1556-67.
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    Score: 0.016
  24. Seidman LJ, Valera EM, Makris N, Monuteaux MC, Boriel DL, Kelkar K, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Bush G, Aleardi M, Faraone SV, Biederman J. Dorsolateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex volumetric abnormalities in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder identified by magnetic resonance imaging. Biol Psychiatry. 2006 Nov 15; 60(10):1071-80.
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    Score: 0.015
  25. Frazier JA, Breeze JL, Makris N, Giuliano AS, Herbert MR, Seidman L, Biederman J, Hodge SM, Dieterich ME, Gerstein ED, Kennedy DN, Rauch SL, Cohen BM, Caviness VS. Cortical gray matter differences identified by structural magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord. 2005 Dec; 7(6):555-69.
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    Score: 0.015
  26. Frazier JA, Chiu S, Breeze JL, Makris N, Lange N, Kennedy DN, Herbert MR, Bent EK, Koneru VK, Dieterich ME, Hodge SM, Rauch SL, Grant PE, Cohen BM, Seidman LJ, Caviness VS, Biederman J. Structural brain magnetic resonance imaging of limbic and thalamic volumes in pediatric bipolar disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 2005 Jul; 162(7):1256-65.
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    Score: 0.014
  27. Makris N, Schlerf JE, Hodge SM, Haselgrove C, Albaugh MD, Seidman LJ, Rauch SL, Harris G, Biederman J, Caviness VS, Kennedy DN, Schmahmann JD. MRI-based surface-assisted parcellation of human cerebellar cortex: an anatomically specified method with estimate of reliability. Neuroimage. 2005 May 01; 25(4):1146-60.
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    Score: 0.014
  28. Faraone SV, Seidman LJ, Kremen WS, Kennedy D, Makris N, Caviness VS, Goldstein J, Tsuang MT. Structural brain abnormalities among relatives of patients with schizophrenia: implications for linkage studies. Schizophr Res. 2003 Apr 01; 60(2-3):125-40.
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    Score: 0.012
  29. Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, O'Brien LM, Horton NJ, Kennedy DN, Makris N, Caviness VS, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT. Impact of normal sexual dimorphisms on sex differences in structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002 Feb; 59(2):154-64.
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    Score: 0.011
  30. Fischl B, Salat DH, Busa E, Albert M, Dieterich M, Haselgrove C, van der Kouwe A, Killiany R, Kennedy D, Klaveness S, Montillo A, Makris N, Rosen B, Dale AM. Whole brain segmentation: automated labeling of neuroanatomical structures in the human brain. Neuron. 2002 Jan 31; 33(3):341-55.
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    Score: 0.011
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