Academic Background
B.A., New York University, 1974
M.A., Northeastern University, 1978
Ph.D., Northeastern University, 1986
Current Appointments:
2006- NICHD DSR Intellectual and Developmental Disability Research Center SEP
2006- Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
2003-2013 Director, E. K. Shriver Center (EKS), University of Massachusetts Medical School, Waltham, MA
2000- Professor (tenured), Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
1994- Director, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
Professional Service:
2001-2005 Program Director, Gatlinburg Conference for Research on MR/DD
2000- President, Division 25, American Psychological Association
1999 Board Coordinator for Research and Science Policy, Association for Behavior Analysis
1997-2004 Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Mental Retardation
1995- Board of Editors, Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities Research Review
1992- Associate Editor, International Review of Research in Mental Retardation
Research and Professional Interests
Dr. Mcllvane directs a broad research program that addresses a variety of scientific problems relevant to understanding and perhaps correcting behavior deficits of persons with neurodevelopmental disabilities. One area of deficit, for example, is in symbolic behaviors involved in communication (speaking, listening, reading, writing, etc.). One focus of his program is development of methods to encourage progressively more rapid learning of symbolic behaviors. Another is to adapt behavioral neuroscience methods - including animal modeling - to further understanding of brain processes involved in symbolic behavior. A second focus of Dr. Mcllvane's program is to develop valid nonverbal neuropsychological testing methods for use with individuals and populations that do not understand verbal instructions. Methods developed in this aspect of his research have been adapted to further understanding of the behavioral profiles associated with disorders such as autism, depression, and neurotoxicant exposure. In addition, Dr. Mcllvane's program has a strong research-to-practice emphasis. For example, methods emerging from laboratory research are being used to teach practical skills in regular and special education classrooms in both the United States and in Brasil.
Regarding mentoring, Dr. McIlvane has long been involved in programs offering pre- and post-doctoral training within his areas of interest. He is also a mentor to junior faculty in developing productive, competitive programs of research in the neurodevelopmental disabilities.
Ongoing Projects
Optimizing Initial Communication for Children with Autsim
Instsructional Technology: A Picture-Aided Communication Systems Manager
Atypical Effects of Reinforcement Procedures in Autism