Roger Luckmann, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health, has extensive research experience developing and managing a wide variety of research projects including surveys of the public (e.g., mammography utilization), surveys of physicians (e.g., the content of the routine periodic health evaluation of adults), analyses of large health care databases (e.g., hospital discharge data on the epidemiology of appendicitis) and cohort studies of chronic disease (e.g., Alzheimer's disease). He has recent and ongoing experience in the design and implementation of studies of the delivery of clinical preventive services such as mammograms and flexible sigmoidoscopy. Dr. Luckmann collaborates on numerous interdisciplinary projects combining his interests in behavioral medicine and primary care. Dr. Luckmann plans to focus much of his future research on the effectiveness of clinical preventive services (screening tests and counseling strategies), on office systems for the delivery of these services, and on the patient's perspective on preventive services. He also has a secondary interest in educational research related to development of curriculum innovations at the medical school.
Current Positions
Preventive Medicine Residency Director
Boston University, M.D., 1976
Internal Medicine Residency: Hennepin County Medical Center, 1979
Preventive Medicine Residency: University of California/Davis, 1987
Scholarly Activity
Fellowship in Applied Informatics (NLM)
Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health (Association for the Teachers of Preventive Medicine and the CDC) with Elaine Martin
Empowering Physicians to Improve Breast Cancer Screening
Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening
Recruitment of Community Physicians to an Education Program: Costs and Effects of Repeated Invitations, Incentives and Peer Persuasion
Further information can be found onDr. Luckmann's web page at the Meyers Primary Care Institute.