Below are the most recent publications written about "Medical Records" by people in Profiles.
Schechter NR, Brown DW, Bovi JA, Dominello MM, Liu AK, Mattes MD, Michalski JM, Shih HA, Strom E, Wilkinson JB, Rosenthal SA, Hartford A. ACR-ASTRO Practice Parameter for Communication: Radiation Oncology. Am J Clin Oncol. 2020 08; 43(8):553-558.
Rispens JR, Jones SA, Clemmons NS, Ahmed S, Harduar-Morano L, Johnson MD, Edge C, Vyas A, Bourgikos E, Orr MF. Anhydrous Ammonia Chemical Release - Lake County, Illinois, April 2019. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020 Jan 31; 69(4):109-113.
Skolnik AA, Bokhour BG, Gifford AL, Wilson BM, Van Epps P. Roadblocks to PrEP: What Medical Records Reveal About Access to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 03; 35(3):832-838.
Kadoyama KL, Noble BN, Izumi S, Fromme EK, Tjia J, McPherson ML, Candrian CB, McGregor JC, Ku IY, Furuno JP. Frequency and Documentation of Medication Decisions on Discharge from the Hospital to Hospice Care. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 06; 67(6):1258-1262.
Mackay AJ, Kostikas K, Murray L, Martinez FJ, Miravitlles M, Donaldson G, Banerji D, Patalano F, Wedzicha JA. Patient-reported Outcomes for the Detection, Quantification, and Evaluation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 09 15; 198(6):730-738.
Wall BW, Ash P, Keram E, Pinals DA, Thompson CH. AAPL Practice Resource for the Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2018 09; 46(3):373.
Aiello FA, Judelson DR, Durgin JM, Doucet DR, Simons JP, Durocher DM, Flahive JM, Schanzer A. A physician-led initiative to improve clinical documentation results in improved health care documentation, case mix index, and increased contribution margin. J Vasc Surg. 2018 11; 68(5):1524-1532.
Lee HY, Youk H, Ii Lee J, Kang CY, Kong JS, Sung S, Kang IH, Lee JH, Kim OH, Jung WJ, Lee KH, Youn YH, Park JC. Injury analysis of patients according to impact patterns involved in pedestrian traffic crashes. Traffic Inj Prev. 2018 02 28; 19(sup1):S153-S157.
Rockett IRH, Caine ED, Connery HS, D'Onofrio G, Gunnell DJ, Miller TR, Nolte KB, Kaplan MS, Kapusta ND, Lilly CL, Nelson LS, Putnam SL, Stack S, V?rnik P, Webster LR, Jia H. Discerning suicide in drug intoxication deaths: Paucity and primacy of suicide notes and psychiatric history. PLoS One. 2018; 13(1):e0190200.
Feuerstein JD, Papamichael K, Popejoy S, Nadelson A, Lewandowski JJ, Geissler K, Martinez-Vazquez M, Leffler DA, Ariyabuddhiphongs K, Thukral C, Cheifetz AS. Targeted Physician Education and Standardizing Documentation Improves Documented Reporting with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Quality Measures in a Large Academic and Private Practice. Dig Dis Sci. 2018 01; 63(1):36-45.