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Frances West BA

InstitutionUMass Chan Medical School
DepartmentPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
AddressEunice Kennedy Shriver Center
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester MA 01655
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    Other Positions
    InstitutionT.H. Chan School of Medicine
    DepartmentEunice Kennedy Shriver Center

    InstitutionT.H. Chan School of Medicine
    DepartmentPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Collapse Biography 
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    University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, United StatesBABusiness Administration
    Collapse awards and honors
    2011Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Massachusetts, Boston
    2019Women in Tech Asia Award Nominee , Mobile World Congress
    2016Accessibility Leadership Award, G3ict

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    Collapse Summary
    Frances West is an internationally recognized technology executive known for her work in digital accessibility and technology inclusion. As former Chief Accessibility Officer of IBM, Frances works with industry, government, startups and nonprofits to ensure that human diversity is at the core. She is author of “Authentic Inclusion Drives Disruptive innovation” and founder of FrancesWest&Co,
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