Academic Background
Ph.D. (Physiology), Purdue, 1986
M.D. Medical College of Wisconsin, 1991
Postdoctoral Training
Medical College of Wisconsin, Residency in Anesthesiology, 1991-1995
Medical College of Wisconsin, Fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesiology, 1995-1996

UMass is home for the UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center. Our department provides care for all patients at UMass Memorial, children and adults alike. This is an arrangement that suites me very well; although I am a pediatric anesthesiologist, I enjoy providing anesthetic care for all ages.
Because of the relatively rapid growth of the Children's Medical Center over the past few years, there has been an increased need for specialized anesthesia care for many pediatric patients. We provide scheduled and urgent/emergent anesthesia care for infants and children at several off-site locations including but not limited to the MRI and CT scanners, the interventional radiology suite, and the audiology clinic. This is a very rewarding aspect of my practice and is an excellent learning expericence for our anesthesiology residents.
My other area of clinical interest is postoperative acute pain management. I am developing a pediatric acute pain service that will function as a multidisciplinary entity. This, too, will prove to be an invaluable experience for all anesthesiology residents.
My research activities follow very closely with my clinical interests. I am the site director for the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. This project is a collaborative prospective research study involving more than 20 children's hospitals. The primary goal of the initial phase of the study is to attempt to identify best-practice techniques surrounding the sedation of infants and children who are undergoing medical and other nonsurgical procedures. This project will continue for the next several years.
One of the most fulfilling aspects of my job is my daily interaction with anesthesiology residents. I enjoy teaching the art and science of anesthesiology to residents at all levels of training. It is rewarding to be a part of a resident's growth from their CA1 year through completion of their training. I look forward to this aspect of my practice each day and I am proud to be a member of a group of faculty who share this vision.